differently than that of mortals, making me immortal.
    “ I found this to be a wonderful discovery, yet my uncle was not pleased and forbid me from speaking of it or indulging in my fascination with immortality and the Fountain of Youth. Naturally, I did not heed his command, which is why I know what I do of immortality.
    “Dangerous water, this is.” He shook the vial again. “Although it has its benefits. We, of course, have the privilege of living forever. So that’s brilliant.” He glanced at Tristan. “And according to my books, your immortal blood may even bring Scarlet back to life someday.”
    “What?” Tristan said, his heart instantly beating against his bones with ferocity he’d not felt in ages. “What did you say?”
    Nathaniel shrugged. “Scarlet was infected with immortal blood before she died, which explains why her body disappeared, and immortal blood, if put into a mortal body, will always fight to stay alive. So you, essentially, have made Scarlet semi-immortal. And semi-immortal beings do not ever truly die. They vanish and return to the earth at a later time in the same body.”
    Skepticism and hope warred madly inside Tristan.
    “How can we bring her back?” His palms were sweaty and his heart on fire but, God help him, he would do anything, kill anyone, and break any rule to bring her back.
    Nathaniel said, “Her return is dependent on the magic in her veins. It could take decades—”
    “I can wait decades,” Tristan said.
    “Or it could take a hundred years,” Nathaniel said.
    “I can wait a thousand years.”
    The wizard cocked his head at Tristan. “I’m confused. Did you know Scarlet? Because I was under the impression you were gone when she first came to the castle. You seem to care deeply for Gabriel’s wife—“
    “She wasn’t his wife . ”
    Gabriel gave a long-suffering sigh and turned to Nathaniel. “Tristan and Scarlet were…close.”
    “I see.” Nathaniel glanced back and forth between the brothers. “Well, either way, you cannot control her return . But since you are immortal, there is a good chance you will live to see her again.” Nathaniel grinned.
    “That is not helpful,” Gabriel said.
    “I never said I would be helpful. I said I would ask permission before stabbing you.”
    Tristan was no longer listening because his heart had flown from his chest and was soaring in the sky. Scarlet would return.
    He no longer wished to be drunk. Or dead.

    England 1540
    Justice was within reach.
    Standing in the shadows of night, Gabriel gazed upon the old, stone house that was Raven’s current hiding spot and steeled himself for what he had to do. Everything inside of him wanted to break down the door and rip her to shreds for all he’d lost.
    Well, almost everything.
    Raven had been his childhood ally and partner in adventure. She had challenged him and excited him, and always made him feel alive and wanted. There was a small bit of friendship lingering in his chest, reminding him of the girl he’d grown up with, the girl he’d plotted to rule the world with. She had been his friend and lover. Surely, there was still something good inside her; something redeemable.
    He exhaled slowly, remembering his role as earl did not allow him to be emotional with the law. Raven had committed great crimes and it was his responsibility to have her arrested for her transgressions.
    Straightening his shoulders, he knocked on the door.
    He did not expect her to answer, but the door slowly pulled back and Raven stood before him. Her long, dark hair hung around her shoulders and her gray eyes glinted in the moonlight as they stared at one another.
    She did not look afraid, but rather sorrowful, and it caught Gabriel off guard.
    “You found me,” she said.
    “Have you come to kill me?” She raised her chin a notch higher, looking at him with forced bravery.
    He wanted to hurt her. He wanted to punish her. He wanted to go back in time and save

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