Boyfriend for Rent
    It was the first time Casey had ever heard Hunter sound that angry before, and he kind of liked it.
    “Just see what he wants,” Hunter suggested, the scowl on his face saying he didn’t really like what he was saying. He added, “Want me to beat the ...?”
    “No, I’ll just meet you at the cash register. This will be quick ,” Casey said. He straightened. He couldn’t be a wuss about this. He had to be a man and show McDermott that he was moving on. That thought didn’t do anything to keep his heart from pounding or his palms from sweating. He rubbed his hands on his pants.
    Hunter reluctantly agreed as Casey made his way toward McDermott, trying to put on a brave face and as warm and relaxed of a smile as he could, but his feet felt heavy enough to pull him over. He shoved his hands into his pockets.
    “Good to see you,” McDermott said.
    “How are you?” Casey asked.
    “Just getting s ome things for around the house,” McDermott said. He smirked. “I see you still haven’t learned how to lower your voice at all.”
    “Um, well,” Casey said, unsure of what to say. There was a long, uncomfortable silence between them for what felt like forever. Beads of sweat trickled across Casey’s brow. He was standing too close. He could smell the spicy cologne McDermott always wore , and it pulled him back to their life together: the nights when Casey would bury his face against his lover’s neck and deeply breathe in that scent. Then there was the way Casey’s clothes had always smelled like it too, so much so that McDermott had insisted that Casey make comments about how he and McDermott wore the same cologne.
    Casey swallowed hard. Maybe he wasn’t as over McDermott as he’d thought. “Well, I 'd better get going.”
    “What are you doing here?” McDermott as ked. It was just like him to try to get the last word.
    “Just getting some things,” Casey said, purposely sounding vague. He shuffled his feet, hoping the conversation could end right there.
    “Things? So, where are you living?”
    “Why do you ask?” Casey replied.
    “I’ve been so busy lately. Haven’t gotten a chance to check on you.”
    “That’s nice. That you’ve been so busy,” Casey said.
    “Um, Casey. So, I just...” McDermott chuckled nervously. “I’m kind of glad we ran into each other. God works in mysterious ways. Just wanted to let you know that, I’m kind of seeing someone.”
    It felt like a knife to Casey’s chest. It’d only been a month and he 'd already moved on? He pushed aside the thought that he’d been ready to make McDermott think the same thing.
    “Oh,” Casey said, his throat suddenly going dry. “Good.”
    “Just wanted you to know.” McDermott glanced over his shoulder like he was still worrying that people would ‘know’ because he was talking to Casey.
    “Casey?” a voice said from behind. It was Hunter. Shit. Casey thought, thinking now he’d have to explain himself to McDermott without sounding like the pathetic fool he was, “You cool?”
    “Yeah. Just a second,” Casey called back.
    “Who’s that?” McDermott asked with an air of jealousy.
    Casey had to stop the smile from curving on his face as he heard the tone. “Oh, he’s just my...”
    “Your what?” McDermott asked.
    “That’s my boyfriend,” Casey couldn’t help himself. The words left his mouth before he could help it.
    The look on McDermott’s face said it all. The knife in Casey’s heart suddenly felt a whole lot better.
    “That’s...that’s good,” McDermott said in a higher tone.
    “Yeah,” Casey added. “He’s so sweet.”
    “You coming or what?” Hunter said from the other end of the aisle.
    “And pushy,” Casey said with a smirk. “Such a turn-on. He really knows how to take control.” He couldn’t resist, adding, “He’s so comfortable in his own skin. He doesn’t care who knows about us. So refreshing to be around.”
    “Good seeing you.” Casey was glad his

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