Business English para Dummies

Business English para Dummies by Varios autores

Book: Business English para Dummies by Varios autores Read Free Book Online
Authors: Varios autores
Tags: Referencia, Idiomas
provider: In the case of the company expanding business to Poland, Manfred G.’s “thank you” to his service colleagues consisted of a digital camera.
    Palabras para recordar
    to boost: to increase, to expand, to raise, to add to, to improve, to amplify
    lead: hint, suggestion, recommendation, information, pointer
    to pay off: to meet with success, to get results, to be effective or profitable
    outside observer: uninvolved watcher, onlooker, eyewitness, or bystander
    industrious: hardworking, productive, busy, conscientious, diligent, active
    guild: line of work, profession, line of business
    seemingly: apparently, on the face of it, ostensibly
    to dawdle: to waste or kill time, to idle, to linger, to dilly-dally
    recently: not long ago, just, a short time ago
    considerable: substantial, extensive, great, noticeable, significant
    sign of wear: symptom or evidence of deterioration
    ready cash: money in the pocket
    overheard: listened in on, eavesdropped on
    stroke of luck: fortunate or opportune coincidence
    site: plant, factory
    to have a hotline to Heaven: to be intuitive, psychic, telepathic, or second sighted
    to discover: to come across, to find, to detect, to encounter, to locate
    premises: grounds, building, location, property, place
    foreman: overseer, supervisor, chief
    head of engineering: person in charge or in command of manufacturing
    to be on the lookout for: to be in search for or pursuit of
    extended: stretched out, outstretched, spread out
    to keep track of something: to keep up with, to follow, to monitor
    replacement purchases: substitute or alternative acquisitions
    task: job, duty, chore, assignment
    on behalf of: for, representing, as a representative of, in the interests of
    achievement: performance, operation, running, working
    sufficient: good enough, adequate
    processing speed: operational pace
    to feature: to present, to introduce, to highlight, to promote, to emphasise
    trace: bit, touch, hint, drop
    due to: because of, attributable to
    source: resource, well, supply, fund
    to not leave it at: to not end it or stop at
    generous: giving, open-handed
    to consist of: to be made up of, to include, to involve, to entail

    Make the customer a member of the team
    The closer a sales representative ties his customers to his company and involves them in important processes, the more profitable it can be for both sides.
    Skilled sales representatives are not just familiar with their customers’ world. They also make sure that a customer identifies himself with the supplier’s world. Therefore, turning their customers into team members is an important factor of success to these sales representatives. In this way they secure their customers’ loyalty.
    Successful companies demonstrate what such teamwork can look like by involving their customers in the innovation and product development process. Here, the sales force is the most important link and mediator between customer and company. The sales force establishes the necessary contacts and sees to it that the customers’ wishes are passed on promptly to the company.
    Permanent exchange of ideas
    An especially intensive kind of teamwork with customers takes place at a mechanical engineering company in Baden-Württemberg. Their development manager also acts as sales engineer. Together with his customers, he analyses their manufacturing processes and determines where there is room for improvement . In close contact with public and private research establishments as well as suppliers, new technologies and procedures are developed further within the company resulting in a practical solution for the customer.
    The great advantage here is that the customers contribute to their own tailor-made solutions in their supplier’s company. The sales engineer uses the on-going exchange of ideas with his customers to determine current and future product requirements. The customers, again, are involved so closely in the product development process that they cannot help

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