Christmas Star (Contemporary, Romance)
paid me a visit.”
    “I know.”
    “You do?” That stopped her. “Then I imagine you set him straight about our relationship,” she said, after recapping what’d happened. When she finished and encountered silence, Starr felt her cheeks grow hot. Maybe she hadn’t explained things well, but somehow, she’d expected sympathy. “Hello? Are you with me, Senator?”
    “I’m here. I guess I’d better explain. You see, when I got home, Vanessa was packing. Said she was leaving me for good. I would’ve begged her to stay, but Clay showed up. Without so much as a hello he started lambasting us for having an affair—you and me, I mean.”
    “That’s what I was trying to tell you,” she burst out. “I denied it. But he wouldn’t listen. I hope you made it very plain.”
    “I’m afraid I didn’t.”
    “ What? Why not?”
    “Because Vanessa looked so shocked—and she acted jealous as hell. Kind of tells me how much she cares, if you get my drift. So I didn’t correct their mistaken impression. I didn’t come right out and confirm it, either, mind you.” He hesitated. “I just didn’t deny it.”
    “How could you not?” Starr asked angrily. “You’ll be ruined politically. And what about me? When this hits the newspapers, Wanda Manning will see to it that SeLi’s taken away.”
    He chuckled.
    “Frankly I don’t see anything funny,” she said.
    “Now, Starr, you’re making mountains out of molehills. Clay isn’t going to let this leak. I told you—deep down, he has a soft spot for family.”
    “No, you said kids and animals.”
    “Well, I should’ve included women, and women and kids spell family. He certainly has a soft spot for animals, too. Which brings us back to business. I don’t know how he stands on the oil explorations. At first he was violently opposed. You’ll have to guard what you say. I can’t take a chance on him stirring up trouble down there.”
    “Really? Well, I can’t take a chance on him stirring up trouble here. Senator, I need to give your proposal more thought.”
    “Now, now. Don’t get yourself in a dither. Trust me. Clay will escort Vanessa to Cloud Haven tonight. Way I see it, she brought this on herself by always running to him. A taste of her own medicine will do Van good. Let her stew for a few days, then I’ll call and throw myself on her mercy.”
    “Sounds risky to me. Or should I say for me?” Starr twisted the telephone cord around her finger. “You didn’t see the way your brother looked at me—as if I was sewer sludge.”
    “Naturally. He’s trying to be Vanessa’s hero.”
    “How can you defend him after what you said earlier—about them carrying on an affair behind your back?”
    “Ahem, I, uh, could’ve been wrong. My son, Morgan, let a few things slip today. Enough to make me think Clay and Van may not be sleeping together—not yet, anyway. I love her, Starr, enough to go to any lengths to get her back.”
    “Yes, well, I can’t help wishing those lengths didn’t involve me.”
    “Believe me, they’ll be halfway to the ranch by now. Put it out of your mind, honey. I did. Listen up—I’ve had someone at the university call your boss. You’re cleared for a two-week leave. That’ll give you a week for me and a week to do the Santa thing. I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that secrecy is imperative.” He paused. “If you run into trouble getting equipment, let me know. Otherwise I’ll call again tomorrow night.”
    At once the line went dead. Starr clicked the receiver. “Hello?” She heard a steady hum and glared at the phone, not believing he’d simply hung up. But after returning the receiver to its cradle and waiting for a ring back, she decided that was precisely what he’d done.
    Amazing. Politicians—they all had colossal egos and played silly little-boy games. Starr had a funny suspicion that the senator didn’t know his brother well at all.
    Put it out of your mind, he’d said. All right. She’d go tuck

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