Chronicles of Eden - Act V
small thump and remained still as Alyssa growled angrily at her.
    “What the hell is her deal anyway?”
    “Oh no. Pip?” Daniel called out.
    Everyone watched as Pip remained motionless on the floor, with the group slowly walking closer to her as she laid face first down on the floor.
    “Pip?” Triska asked carefully.
    “Alyssa, what did you do?” Specca scolded the witch.
    “What I did?” Alyssa asked with disbelief. “She was being a pest and you know it!”
    “She’s not moving, is she dead?” Luna nervously asked.
    “Pip?” Daniel asked as he knelt down and slowly held a hand over the fairy. He gently nudged her a few times, not getting any response, and then picked up the tiny monster with growing concern.
    “Pip? Wake up. Please.”
    “Oh god, is she still alive?” Triska asked walking closer to them.
    “Way to go, Alyssa,” Falla flatly said. “I just wanted her gone, but no, you had to go and murder her. Well done.”
    “Oh c’mon, how am I the bad monster here?” Alyssa whined.
    “Pip?” Daniel asked again as he rushed over to the table and lay the fairy down on it.
    Everyone gathered around while Pip didn’t move a muscle, the tiny monster’s head rocking to the side then staying there as Daniel looked her over worriedly.
    “Is she breathing?” Triska asked.
    Specca quickly leaned down with her ear, trying to listen for any quiet breaths from the fairy before she stood up and shook her head.
    “I can’t tell, her breathing is too quiet for me to hear.”
    “Pip, wake up,” Daniel pleaded. “Open your eyes, say something, anything.”
    “Oh no,” Specca fretted. “We find what might have been the last fairy in Eden and Alyssa just killed her!”
    “Again, not my fault!” Alyssa shouted at her.
    “You knocked her into oblivion with your damned staff!” Triska snapped at her.
    “She made fun of my bust size!”
    “What bust size?”
    “Shut up!”
    “Pip!” Daniel called out. Everyone looked to seeing him lightly shaking the fairy, the tiny monster still not saying a word while her head rocked back and forth. After a while he stopped and just stared at the fairy with sorrow as she lay there on the table. Alyssa slowly walked closer and looked at Pip with concern then glanced to Daniel and bit her lip.
    “Um… sorry,” she said softly.
    “No, please don’t die!” Luna sobbed as she rushed forward and leaned over the fairy, her eyes watering up as she shakily held her hands above Pip. “Please don’t die! You’re too cute and little to die!”
    “Luna, I don’t think she’s waking up,” Falla reasoned shaking her head.
    “The poor thing,” Specca said sadly.
    “Dammit, I didn’t want this to happen,” Triska groaned while holding a hand over her eyes.
    “I’m sorry,” Alyssa pleaded. “I… I didn’t mean to hit her that hard.”
    “No! Pip!” Luna cried out as she broke down into tears. The group watched as Luna shook her head while weeping for the fairy before she jumped with a gasp. She looked to Pip then to Squeak before back to Pip again, hands fidgeting anxiously at her sides before she quickly rushed over and grabbed Squeak’s hand.
    “You have to save her, right now!” she pleaded as she tried pulling the ant girl towards the table. Squeak looked at her puzzled before she walked along with Luna scrambling to pull her forward.
    “What are you talking about?” Triska asked. “I don’t think her saliva can fix this.”
    “Please, you’re the only one who can save her!” Luna implored Squeak while pointing to Pip.
    Squeak just looked at her confusedly and squeaked before Luna grabbed the girl’s tunic and yanked it up, with everyone watching in surprise as Squeak’s breasts bounced a bit while the ant girl squeaked loudly.
    “Pip, look!” Luna shouted as she pushed Squeak forward over the table, the ant girl’s breasts hanging just above the fairy as Squeak looked at Luna like she was crazy. “Pip, look! Boobs! Look!”

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