Claiming the Cowboy's Heart

Claiming the Cowboy's Heart by Linda Ford Page B

Book: Claiming the Cowboy's Heart by Linda Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Ford
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nurses the sick, helps the poor and Eddie here is considered a man of honor and integrity.”
    “That’s lovely,” Sybil said.
    “We’re honored,” Eddie added.
    Seth leaned back on his heels and grinned. “I heard a tale about feeding a starving Indian family and outrunning wolves. Is it true?”
    Linette and Eddie grinned at each other.
    Jayne answered his question. “It’s true. My brother refused to hang an Indian who tried to steal a cow to feed his starving family. Instead, he took him meat. On the way back, wolves attacked them and Linette helped beat them off.” She jammed her fists on her hips. “I intend to become just as brave and proficient.”
    Linette reached out and squeezed Jayne’s hand. “And you shall.”
    Eddie opened his mouth but Linette jabbed her elbow into his ribs and he closed it without speaking. Had he been about to reissue his orders to Jayne?
    Instead, he said to Seth, “I’ll take you to the barn. Your horse is there.”
    “I’ll go with you,” Jayne said and no one argued otherwise. Certainly not Seth who looked forward to a private goodbye. “Wait a moment.” Jayne turned aside and brought him his shirt and pants, neatly folded as if they’d come from the best Chinese laundry.
    “You washed them?”
    Mercy didn’t wait for Jayne to answer. “She washed them, mended them and ironed them. Your clothes could not be in better hands.” Her dark eyes challenged him as if informing him that Jayne had many admirable qualities.
    He wasn’t about to argue. No doubt she did, but shooting wasn’t one of them any more than was being bullheaded about it.
    “Thank you. I didn’t expect this.”
    She tipped her head to one side and lifted one shoulder. “I doubt you expected to be shot by a woman, either.”
    He choked on a startled laugh.
    Mercy and Sybil chuckled.
    “Jayne, there’s to be no more shooting.” Eddie sounded like he was used to giving orders and having them obeyed.
    As the three of them traipsed down the hill, he heard Jayne whisper beside him, “You can’t order me around.” No doubt she hadn’t meant for anyone to hear her. Seth worried that things might get a little tense between her and her brother if they kept up the way they were.
    Grady shouted from the doorway. “Papa, I’m coming, too.”
    Eddie turned to wait for him. “You two go ahead.”
    Jayne and Seth continued onward. He shoved the barn door open, and a cowboy nodded a greeting as he saddled a horse.
    Seth found his horse in a nearby stall and grabbed his saddle and bridle that hung in the tack room. He noticed they’d been cleaned until they shone. He hadn’t expected that kind of service.
    The animal, too, had been groomed until his coat shone. Someone certainly knew how to look after things.
    As he lifted the saddle into place, his leg spasmed painfully. It was only a gunshot wound, he reminded himself. Not much more than a flesh wound. Nothing to slow him down.
    He led the horse through the door, Jayne at his side.
    “I hope you arrive in good time, that the man is still tending your pa and that he is much improved.”
    He smiled down at her. “Thanks. I can’t say it’s been fun but it’s been unusual meeting you.”
    She chuckled. “I dare say it’s the most unusual meeting either of us has had.”
    He nodded, suddenly reluctant to leave. Like that made any sense. But something about Jayne pulled at his thoughts. Of course she did. The woman needed someone to keep an eye on her and make sure she didn’t get herself into more trouble.
    He chomped down on his molars. It would have to be someone other than himself because he’d had more than his share of trying to take care of people who didn’t bother to take care of themselves.
    “You stay out of trouble, hear?” He swung up into the saddle. “Don’t go shooting any more cowboys.”
    A stubborn look crossed her face and then she smiled. “One has proven to be enough trouble. I won’t go for two.”
    He laughed and

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