Da Silva's Mistress

Da Silva's Mistress by Tina Duncan

Book: Da Silva's Mistress by Tina Duncan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Duncan
Tags: Fiction
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    Morgan almost fainted when she realised which department she’d been put through to. ‘Yes. I’m calling to see how Mr Joseph Langdon is doing.’
    ‘Your name, please?’
    Morgan frowned. ‘I don’t want to be put through to anybody. I just want to know what his condition is.’
    ‘I understand that, but I need to know if your name is on the list.’
    A frisson of unease unfurled serpent-like down her spine. ‘What list?’
    ‘The hospital is under strict instructions to discuss Mr Langdon’s condition only with immediate family,’ the nurse replied.
    Morgan swallowed.
    She was immediate family.
    Not that the other woman knew that.
    Not that anyone knew that.
    It was on the tip of her tongue to blurt out the truthbut she swallowed the words back. This was a fragile situation. She had to tread carefully. The last thing she wanted was to make the situation worse.
    If she gave her name and it wasn’t on the list the nurse might mention it to Stefania. Under no circumstance could that be allowed to happen.
    Equally, she couldn’t expect the nurse to believe that she was Joseph’s secret daughter just on her say-so. If she wasn’t dismissed as a complete fruitcake or a trouble maker, her story would probably be reported to the family.
    Again, she couldn’t allow that to happen.
    Anxiety clawed at her insides. She was rapidly running out of options.
    ‘Look, I’m not on your list. I’m a friend of Joseph’s. Please just tell me how he is,’ she pleaded. ‘I won’t tell anyone.’
    ‘I’m sorry. If you’re a friend of Mr Langdon’s then I suggest you contact his family for information on his condition.’
    The line went dead.
    Morgan’s heart sank like a stone.
    She slumped back against the couch and pressed shaking fingers to her forehead.
    Joseph was in Emergency.
    The hospital was only revealing information to his immediate family.
    Neither of those things sounded encouraging—in fact just the opposite.
    Her father could be dying for all she knew.
    She realised something else.
    Whether she liked it or not, Luca was her only link to her father!
    Morgan was pacing her apartment like a caged animal, hoping against hope that there was something she’d overlooked, when the doorbell sounded. She crossed to the door and pulled it open.
    It was Luca.
    He was the last person she was expecting, and for a moment all she could do was stand and stare at him.
    He really was the most handsome man, she acknowledged, her heart doing a massive leap in her chest. Today he was dressed in a black hand made suit. His black hair was swept back off his forehead with the same arrogance she encountered every time he opened his mouth. Every feature was perfect in an entirely natural way, as if it had been sculpted by one of the masters. And his eyes…
    They were amazing. A deep, intense black flecked with dashes of gold.
    ‘That’s a habit you have to break,’ Luca said, frowning down at her.
    Morgan blinked up at him. ‘What is?’
    ‘Opening the door without checking who it is. That’s the second time you’ve done it. It’s dangerous.’
    She knew he was right. ‘OK. Next time I will.’
    ‘Good. See that you do.’ He looked past her into the apartment. ‘Aren’t you going to invite me in?’
    She held the door open. ‘Would it do me any good to refuse?’
    ‘What are you doing here, Luca?’ she asked, closing the door and following him into the lounge room.
    ‘What do you think I’m doing here?’ He snagged her wrist and pulled her into his arms. ‘I’m here to change your mind about becoming my mistress.’
    She never had a chance to finish. Luca kissed the words right out of her mouth.
    From the moment his lips claimed hers she was lost. Heated pleasure swept through her in waves, almost knocking her off her feet. Light bloomed behind her closed eyelids.
    She had one second of sanity when she managed to drag her mouth out from under his. ‘Luca—’
    Again, Luca

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