Daughter of Mine

Daughter of Mine by Anne Bennett

Book: Daughter of Mine by Anne Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Bennett
Tags: Fiction
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right. My pleasure.’
    ‘Well, I truly appreciated it,’ Lizzie continued. ‘I’ve had a wonderful time.’
    It was on the tip of Steve’s tongue to say he could think of a more satisfactory way of finishing the evening, where she could show him just how appreciative she was. But he bit the words back. Nor did he force her lips open when she kissed him goodnight, though he was so filled with desire that he shook slightly, and his groin ached so much he knew he’d have to seek relief before he made for home that night. And yet, despite his frustration, he went home whistling because he really thought Lizzie was warming to him, as he’d prophesised she would in time.

    The days slid one into another and the girls went out to the pub, theatre, music hall, cinema or dancing, and when Lizzie could stop feeling guilty about leading Steve a dance she enjoyed herself immensely.
    When the two girls had first come to England and explained they were cousins, the office staff had tried to work it so their free time co-ordinated. As they had each other, they didn’t need to make deep friendships with the others, though they liked them well enough, and Lizzie knew that if she hadn’t had Steve she’d have been a lot lonelier.
    However, she didn’t think that was a good enough reason to go out with someone, but Steve seemed happy with it. What he wasn’t happy with was the way he’d got no further than a kiss on the lips, linking arms as they walked along the street and holding hands in the cinema.
    He knew Mike was getting much further with Tressa, because Mike had told him, boasted of it even. Lizzie knew it too, but she wasn’t going down that road with a man she was dating almost as a convenience. So,when Steve asked her to go again to tea, she hesitated. She had no desire to go near the place, but she pleased Steve in so very little and he was incredibly generous buying drinks, dinners and tickets for the threatre or cinema with money he near sweated blood for. ‘Won’t they think…I mean we’re not a committed couple, are we?’
    ‘Who gives a sod what they think?’
    ‘Well you must. They are your family and they don’t seem to have taken to me at all. Not that that matters, except that I don’t know why you want me there.’
    ‘I just do,’ Steve said obstinately. ‘And it would please me if you came. They will behave better this time, I guarantee it. I’ve warned them all.’
    Against her better judgement Lizzie went, and she found the atmosphere much as before. This time, in an attempt to stop Flo extolling the virtues of Steve, she tried to get to know his brother Neil. She didn’t like him much, for he’d been surly and barely polite at their first meeting and he hadn’t improved. But, she excused him. Surely such blatant favouritism of the first-born, who already had everything going for him, would affect anyone?
    She knew Neil hadn’t gone into the brass industry like his father and brother, but had been taken on as an apprentice in a bespoke tailors’ in the Bull Ring. Steve had told her that and said it was a bone of contention in the family, but after the tea, which had been eaten in almost total silence, Lizzie asked Neil about his job. ‘We can make up a suit, with a waistcoat thrown in, for thirty bob,’ Neil said with a hint of pride. ‘You wouldn’t get me near brass. Makes oldmen out of young ones. You should see the state of this pair when they gets in of a night.’
    ‘It’s a living, ain’t it?’ Rodney growled.
    ‘Some living.’
    ‘You ungrateful sod!’ Rodney exploded. ‘Many of the barefoot, bare-arsed and starving kids around these doors would have been glad of their fathers working any damned place, and most of the poor buggers out of work that cluster on the street corners would give their right arms to earn half as much as me. You don’t get that kind of money sitting on your arse stitching clothes for toffs.’
    ‘Yeah,’ Steve put in. ‘Just how

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