
Divertissement by Madeleine Oh

Book: Divertissement by Madeleine Oh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madeleine Oh
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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expressed a wish for one. Cripes,
she hadn’t been this insecure since her teens. “Did he marry her?”
Yes. Surely you’ve seen pictures of them. She’s all skin and bone with a face
like an asthmatic horse.”
    At least
he couldn’t say she was all skin and bones. “I’ve never seen an asthmatic
horse. Didn’t know they got it.”
get it in a minute, my girl.”
    His tone
changed. Seemed reminiscences were over and now… “I hope so. I’m in need. All
this healthy outdoor air does things to you.”
    “Get your
boots on then.”
    At his
suggestion, she also pulled on her skirt. But he crammed her blouse into his
along,” he said, holding out his hand. “You’ll like this next bit.”
    She did
enjoy the sensation of air and sun on her breasts but she didn’t think that was
what he’d meant. It was a good slog across the crest of the island toward the
western tip. At one point, she looked back at the ruined house and the bay
beneath them and wondered why he hadn’t fucked her on the beach. No doubt he
had another place in mind. Or was he going to make her wait even longer?
along, Ellen,” he snapped, sounding in full Dominant mode.
    “How much farther?”
    “Want to
stop here and get fucked in the gorse?”
    Now that
would be a different sensation! “Don’t think so. Lead on, Macduff !”
    He led the
way, skirting clumps of gorse and walking through bracken until they reached an
open area with rabbit-nibbled grass at their feet and a stone table in the
    Shades of
druids or pagan rites?
grief. I wonder how long that’s been there? ”
    “Nowhere near as long as the damn estate agent would have had
me believe. He rattled
on about ancient relics and druid artifacts and was rather deflated when I said
it had been constructed after the war.”
    “Yes. Truly. My grandparents used to talk about it. Seemed the chap who bought it after the war fancied himself as a modern-day
druid. He set up this and a couple of menhirs and a small stone ring. I’ll show you them another time. Used
to hold gatherings here for the solstices and midsummer and midwinter rites.”
    “Wild pagan orgies?”
      “Don’t rightly know, I was never invited, but
how about a little kinky, just us two, sex play?”
    “You need
to ask?”
    “No.” He
smiled as he ran his hand along the curve of her chin and traced her lips with
his finger. “I don’t think I do.” His hand eased down her neck to trace the top
of her breast. “You’ll do whatever I want. Won’t you?” He cupped her breast.
“If I ask, you’ll kneel at my feet and suck my cock.” He played with her
nipple, pinching slightly. “You’ll bend over and let me beat your luscious arse with my belt.” He moved to her other breast. “You’ll
open your legs for me, take whatever I choose to give you, offer me your arse to bugger.” By now she was breathing fast. “You’ll
even raise your arms over your head and let me tie you down.” He squeezed her
nipple and she let out a sigh. “Won’t you?”
    “Yes!” It
came more of a gasp that an actual word.
    “Oh my
love, Ellen, I’m so glad because that’s exactly what I’m going to do right
now.” He leaned close to whisper in her ear, “Take off that skirt and your
walking boots. I’m going to tie you to the stone table and have my own wild,
pagan orgy over your naked, helpless body.”
    After that
promise, it took a lot of concentration just to unlace her boots. She managed.
Heck, she’d have flown to get what he’d just offered. Her heart raced, she was
soaking between her legs and her nipples tingled with anticipation. No doubt
due to the squeezing and pulling they’d just received. Taking off her skirt was
a piece of cake by comparison, but standing naked on the soft grass, with the sky
overhead and walls of gorse all around, was a new sensation.
    Yes, she’d
had alfresco sex, loved it in fact, but her

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