Endangered Hearts

Endangered Hearts by Jolie Cain Page A

Book: Endangered Hearts by Jolie Cain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jolie Cain
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
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the greatest football coach ever."
    He quirked an eyebrow at her before looking away and tossing the stick again. “Funny, you don't look like a football fan."
    "Maybe not, but I love it. Especially college football. And of course, the Crimson Tide is my favorite team.
    They talked idly a few more minutes before Jack said, “Well, I really should be going.” He stood, amazed at how much he wanted to stay.
    Abby stood with him. “Thanks again, Jack, for all your help."
    "No problem. I appreciate the lemonade and the company. I've really enjoyed myself.” His voice held a tone of mild surprise.
    "Anytime,” she replied.
    * * * *
    The hotel room was dark. A shadowy form crossed the carpeted floor, not pausing or hesitating. A photograph in a silver frame stood on the table beside the bed, illuminated only by the sunlight that palely trickled through the semi-closed curtains. A trembling hand lifted the picture and a single finger stroked down the curve of a cheek, lingering over full, smiling lips. The tenderness of the gesture emphasized the longing in the dark gaze that studied the photo with such intensity. Suddenly the hand tightened and the picture was lifted high into the air and brought crashing down into the tabletop. Over and over, it was pounded down until the glass had cracked beyond repair and the image itself was creased and torn. The sudden fury of the motion was emphasized by the sounds that tumbled from drawn lips. “You're mine, mine, mine, mine, mine..."

Chapter Four
    Leigh Ann had talked Abby into visiting Rowdy's Bar on Saturday night. Rowdy's was a hole-in-the wall dive just over the county line that Leigh Ann had insisted was the place to party on the weekend. That was all Abby had needed to hear. She'd quickly agreed to go and check it out with Leigh Ann.
    Not really knowing what to expect, Abby had dressed in a short flirty dress and cowboy boots. When Abby honked for Leigh Ann, she ran out the door of her house wearing jeans and a skin-tight red shirt. Her face was perfectly made up and emphasized her striking grey eyes.
    "Wow, girl, you look like you're loaded for bear,” commented Abby. “Is Wade going to be there?"
    Leigh Ann flushed. “Maybe.” As the two had gotten to know each other better, Leigh Ann had told Abby how crazy she was about a local horse breeder named Wade Barnes, but that he'd always treated her as the younger sister of his best friend. She wanted him to see her differently—as potential date material. “And then again, maybe I've given up on him. There's plenty of other fish in the sea."
    "Yeah, right.” Abby wasn't falling for it.
    "Just drive.” Leigh Ann directed with a sniff. Abby smiled. She knew just how Leigh Ann felt. She hadn't seen Jack since that day at her cabin, and she supposed that their temporary truce was over. Disappointed that he hadn't sought her out, she had finally admitted to herself that she wanted more from him than just a friendly kiss or two. But apparently, he wasn't interested, or he surely would have done something about it by now. This girl's night out was just the thing to get him off her mind. Some music, some dancing, a drink or two, and Jack Cole would be completely forgotten. Or so she hoped.
    When they walked inside, Leigh Ann spotted Wade sitting with his brother at the bar. Casually, she strolled over to him. “Hi, Wade. Mac."
    Wade turned in surprise and slid to his feet when he recognized them. “Leigh Ann. Hi. What are you doing here?"
    "I just wanted to show my friend one of the local hot spots,” she replied, turning to Abby. “Abby, this is Wade Barnes. Wade, Abby Montgomery."
    Wade shook her hand and smiled. “Abby. It's good to meet you.” He nodded to the man seated on the next barstool next to him. “This is my brother, Mac."
    As he slid to his feet, the expression in Mac Barnes's eyes told Abby that he found her very attractive, and he smiled down at her with obvious interest. “Well, I believe this is my lucky

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