Endangered Hearts
    He slanted a sideways glance toward her. “And what did he say?"
    She grinned. “Well, I got a couple of stupid one-liners and an admission of guilt, but no apology."
    A grunt was her only response.
    "So, how's the writing going?” he asked, changing the subject.
    Abby followed the abrupt of topic change without protest. “Actually, it's going pretty well. I've been getting about ten pages a day of Sacrifices since I've been here."
    " Sacrifices ? Sounds eerie."
    * * * *
    As Abby proceeded to tell Jack about her book, a glow lit her face. While he listened, he found himself more and more captivated. He also found it harder and harder to keep his hands off her. And even though she tried to hide it, it was obvious that she wanted him too. Her flushed skin and dilated eyes told him that. Maybe a couple of sessions burning up the sheets, and he could get her out of his system. He tried to focus on what she was saying, but his body was making that very difficult. He just couldn't forget the sounds she made when she had come apart in his arms.
    Jack shifted on the step to place his empty lemonade glass on the floor, and his thigh brushed up against her. He felt the slight quiver of awareness that moved through her body and wondered what she would do if he were to kiss her again. Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips, and he moved closer, drawn by something powerful that he did not quite understand. He'd never felt this intense desire for the taste of a particular woman before. He was surprised by the compelling need that filled him whenever he was near her. He had told himself to stay away from her, but he now realized that was impossible. There was something about her that called to him.
    His hand came up under her chin and tilted her face. Her eyes widened as she stared into the deep blue of his, but she didn't stop him. He couldn't read the expressions that were chasing themselves across her face, but she wasn't resisting. Abby's eyelids fluttered closed when his lips touched hers, but Jack kept his eyes open, wanting to see her face. Her mouth was sweet, so sweet.
    Jack kept the pressure light, resisting the temptation to ravish her mouth and force her to respond. He wanted to dominate her, take her, but he didn't want to frighten Abby with demands he had no business making. But he couldn't prevent himself from lingering over the kiss, relishing the flavor and texture of her tender mouth. He parted her lips with his tongue and began a delicate investigation, which was almost as arousing to him as the fierce plundering that he wanted to give her. When hand moved up to cup her breast and he could feel the nipple peaking against her bra, he almost lost it. He knew he had to stop, or he would soon be completely out of control.
    Raising his head, he backed away from her, and her hands dropped to her sides and her eyes filled with questions. Her vulnerable mouth was slightly damp and still parted from the pressure of his lips, and he wanted nothing more than to pull her back into his arms. But he kept telling himself to go slow. He had really screwed up the last time, rushing her to orgasm. That wouldn't happen again.
    "I guess I shouldn't have done that.” Jack spoke quietly.
    "Don't be silly, Jack. It was just a friendly kiss. No big deal."
    Jack didn't quite know how to respond to that tidy little statement, so he decided to just follow her lead. She was right, after all. It was just a kiss; perhaps he would have described it as a bit more than friendly . But after the way he had reacted the last time, he was surprised she had let him touch her at all. So he'd let it go-at least for now.
    She stood and picked up their glasses. “Would you like some more lemonade?"
    Jack shook his head. “No thanks."
    "I'll just put this stuff in the kitchen."
    When she returned, Jack was playing fetch with Bear “You've just made a friend for life. Bear loves to play fetch."
    "Bear, huh?"
    "Yeah, I named him after Bear Bryant,

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