Endangered Hearts

Endangered Hearts by Jolie Cain Page B

Book: Endangered Hearts by Jolie Cain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jolie Cain
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
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day, Abby. It is very good to meet you.” He took her hand and raised it to his mouth, his eyes staring flirtatiously into hers. He was a heartbreaker, Abby thought to herself and tried to keep from laughing at his obvious seduction technique. With the wicked gleam in his eyes, he reminded her a bit of Beau, and she couldn't help but respond.
    Abby smiled back before warning, “Don't even think about it. I know your type too well."
    Mac laughed at her comment, and before she knew quite how it had happened, the four of them were sharing a table near the bar's small dance floor. Leigh Ann took advantage of the opportunity to monopolize Wade's attention with questions about his quarterhorses, which left Mac and Abby to get better acquainted.
    "I think I'm in love with you, sweetheart. Will you marry me?” Mac gazed soulfully into Abby's eyes, his own twinkling over the outrageous proposal he had just made.
    Abby couldn't help rolling her eyes at his antics. “If you use that line very often, some day someone's going to take you up on it. Then where will you be?"
    He grinned back. “Halfway to California."
    She snickered, glad that she had agreed to come with Leigh Ann tonight. This was going to be fun.
    Leigh Ann and Wade left the table to go talk to some mutual friends, so Abby and Mac ordered a pitcher of beer and continued their bantering conversation. When the band came back from break, he dragged her onto the dance floor. They performed a spirited two-step that left Abby breathless and dizzy. As the tempo slowed down for a love song, the floor became crowded with couples, and Mac pulled her closer against him. The few beers she'd drunk had given her a pleasant buzz, and she didn't resist when he began pressing soft kisses against the side of her neck. Drifting in a dreamy haze, she molded her body to his and swayed to the hypnotic beat of the music.
    "Excuse me, I'm cutting in.” Jack's voice startled Abby, and she lifted her head to stare into his furious eyes.
    Mac released Abby, and Jack quickly stepped in to haul her tight against him and twirl her away through the dancers. Over Jack's shoulder, Abby saw Mac shrug questioningly at her. She just shook her head and then smiled up at Jack. So much for getting him off her mind. She sighed in contentment and snuggled close up against him, resting her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes in pleasure at the spicy smell of his cologne. “Umm. Nice. I didn't know you were gonna be here tonight, Jack."
    "Just what in the hell do you think you're doing, plastering yourself all over Mac Barnes? A little encouragement is all he needs. Before you know it, he'll have you stripped and spread-eagle in the bed of his pick-up truck."
    His angry tone barely pierced through Abby's pleasantly inebriated brain. “Huh? What are you talkin’ about? We were just having a few friendly dances together.” She wasn't quite sure what the problem was. Leaning back, she peered up at him pondering his statement, but ruined the moment when she giggled. “Didja know you're pretty sexy when you're angry? Those blazin’ blue eyes and that l'il muscle that's twitchin’ right beside your mouth? Ummm umm.” The alcohol she'd consumed had given her a boldness she didn't normally possess around Jack, and she cuddled nearer, sending a probing tongue to explore the curves and creases of his ear.
    She felt his cock jump against her belly and shimmied against him in an effort to get even closer. Abby tilted her face up and saw Jack's eyes widen in realization. “Shit. You're drunk as Cooter Brown."
    Abby laughed again. “You know, I always wondered. Just who is this Cooter Brown? He musta been one drunk fella if everybody remembers it so well.” Her words slurred together slightly, and then she let out a ladylike burp. “Oh, my heavens. Please excuse me.” She giggled then burped again. “Anyway, I'm not that drunk. Just a little fuzzy around the edges is all. And what business is it of

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