Enemy Within (Unseen Enemy Book 1)

Enemy Within (Unseen Enemy Book 1) by Marysol James

Book: Enemy Within (Unseen Enemy Book 1) by Marysol James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marysol James
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Sex, Military
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“I’m just trying to figure out how to get you back to my place. Since no stealth strategy is presenting itself, I thought I’d just come right out and ask.”
    Her eyes widened in shock.
    He waited.
    She found her voice. “You – you want me to come home with you again?”
    “Oh, yeah, baby.” His voice was almost a growl. “You’d fucking better believe it. And not just tonight, either.”
    And that was it: she was instantly, immediately, totally wet. Her pussy wanted to go home with him, that much was clear, but her life was complicated right now. She exhaled, hard.
    He saw her face, heard her sigh. “Is that a no?”
    “It’s… it’s a maybe. A maybe with reservations and conditions.”
    “OK, Emma. What’s holding you back? Tell me.”
    She looked down. “I don’t – I can’t… I’m not in a good place in my life for a relationship. Not now. Are you – what do you…” Her voice trailed off and she felt incredibly dumb.
    He studied her. “You’re saying you don’t want anything serious?”
    “Right. I just – life is weird right now. I can’t be in anything that means commitment or expectations or long-term.”
    “Well, at the risk of sounding like an asshole, I don’t do commitment or expectations or long-term.”
    “You don’t?”
    “Nope. Listen, can I lay it out for you?”
    “Yeah. Go ahead.”
    “I want you in my bed. That’s it. I want to do all kinds of bad things to you, things that will make both of us feel good.” His eyes were steady and hot. “I want to go down on you until you come against my mouth, I want to fuck you until you scream. But no promises, no pressure. Just lots and lots of mind-blowing orgasms for both of us.”
    Her breath was coming faster now.
    God, is he actually offering me great sex and I wouldn’t even have to tell him about the cancer? What could be better for my life right now, what could be a better escape? Nothing, that’s what.
    “I think… I think I can get on board with that,” she said.
    “Yeah?” He narrowed his eyes. “You sure you can handle that? I mean it, Emma – I’m not the relationship kind, believe me. If we start anything up and you expect me to change my mind, I’m afraid you’re going to get hurt. And I don’t want to hurt you, I swear.”
    “So maybe we need to set some ground rules,” she said. “Before we decide to get in to this.”
    He smiled. “OK. Shoot.”
    “First, we don’t tell each other anything too personal. We keep it casual, right?”
    Emma thought about her chemo sessions, times when she may well be sick for days on end. “And we don’t have any expectations to see other all the time. When I disappear for a week to travel for work, that’s fine with you. OK?”
    “While I’m gone, you can do whatever you want with other women. I just don’t want to hear about it.”
    That surprised him. “Really?”
    She shrugged. “Yeah.”
    “So you’d be with other guys?”
    Oh, sure thing. Nothing sexier than chemo, I assure you.
    “Maybe,” she said, trying to sound casual. “I mean, why not?”
    “And we never stay at my place.” She saw the surprise on his face. “Non-negotiable.”
    He considered that quietly. “Can I ask why?”
    “No.” She steeled herself for him to call the whole thing off. “I promise you I’m not married or living with anyone or raising a kid alone. Nothing like that. I just don’t want you to stay over with me.” She bit her lip. “Is that a deal-breaker for you?”
    “No.” Dean shook his head. “So long as you’re not using me to cheat on someone, I’m fine with it.”
    “OK, good. Ummm.” She thought for a second. “That’s it for me. You got anything to add?”
    “Yeah. Two things.”
    “First, you never sneak out in the middle of the night. You don’t want to sleep over? Fine. But you let me know you’re going. I don’t want to wake up to an empty bed like that ever again. Clear?”

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