Entangled (Entangled Trilogy #1)
into those beautiful
eyes of his as if saying, you’re holding me now so . . . where did
your promise go?
    “Right after you answer my
questions, Rosemarie,” James said, taking the insinuation. What
about Adrian? If I said yes to James right now, what about Adrian?
I need to find out more about my past.
    “Please, say something.
Anything. You can yell at me all you want just say something. I
don’t like it when you’re quiet,” James pleaded once
    “James, I need to think
about it all. You said it all at once and I just need to . . .,” I
sighed. I looked up to meet his gaze. His eyes were the only thing
that I could see and they were pretty. James’ eyes were pale
baby-blue with shadowy black around the irises. His eyes seemed to
beckon me closer to him.
    “Okay then, Rosemarie.
I’ll give you until Friday. Until then, my love,” James said,
taking my smaller hand in his and pecking each and every single one
of the knuckles. So now he was going to call me love instead of
    With that, I turned around
and left. James had been watching me go but I really didn’t
    Once I went into the
house, I had about two seconds to look up and see my older brother
run up to me and cuddle me securely. He kept murmuring “Oh my god,
oh my god, oh my god” under his breath while I hugged him back,
smiling slightly.
    “I thought that something
had happened to you, Rose. You have a phone for a reason. Where
were you? I was so scared and didn’t even know what to do. I called
Maddie but she said that you were out with James. What did that
little scum do to you? You have no idea what I’m going to do to
that idiot, lil’ sis. Are you okay?” Elliot asked while I smiled
the whole time. He was so overprotective, it was
    “You think this is
amusing? Rose, you don’t understand how hurt I’ll be if I lose you.
I love you too much to lose you, Rose,” Elliot said and I
immediately stopped smiling.
    I love you too much to
lose you, Rose. You’re my everything and I can’t bear to be apart
from you. I love you, Roza. I love you ,
said that deep, husky voice in my mind.
    Where did I hear that
before? The dude had a hint of British in his voice. Abruptly,
those blue-green eyes flashed across my mind. My whole world went
spinning and I couldn’t concentrate on Elliot anymore. Just as I
was about to fall, Elliot caught me.
    “Rose!” he exclaimed, his
eyes filled with concern.
    You’re mine, Roza and
nothing will ever change that. He can never take you away from me.
No one can. You’re mine.
    Who is that? Every time I
hear that voice, those blue-green eyes would flash across my mind.
Only Adrian ever called me Roza and had those Blue-green eyes. I’m
certain that it wasn’t him.
    “ What’s wrong, sis?”
Elliot asked. His eyes kept searching mine for some clue but my
expression was impassive.
    “ Nothing, Elliot. I just .
. . need to rest. I’ve had a stressful day, that’s all,” I said
upliftingly. However, he didn’t look anywhere near
    “ You sure?” He asked,
biting his lower lip, a gesture both of us inherited from our
mother that showed how tense we were.
    “ Yes, I’m sure,” I said,
heading upstairs. Before leaving, I hugged him back again. “Hey,
don’t worry about me. I’m perfectly fine and James didn’t do
anything to me,” I whispered which instantly made him relax a
    No! You’re mine, Angel. He
thinks he can have you but he’s wrong. I’ll be the one to win you
over. There is no way, on Earth, Heaven or Hell, that he’ll get to
you before me. Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo, Angel.
Sweet dreams , said an awfully familiar
    His voice sounded very
familiar but I couldn’t determine where I’ve heard that before. It
clearly wasn’t the other voice calling me Roza. What did Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta
movebo mean? I’m pretty sure that it’s in
Latin but I am not very good at Latin . . . or other

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