
Entrelacen by Dani Morales

Book: Entrelacen by Dani Morales Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani Morales
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skin. She had creamy white skin, red
kissable lips, and blue-grey eyes that
reminded me of a cloudy sky.
“Earth to Logan! You may want to
pick up your jaw off the floor and wipe
the drool of your chin,” Deandra managed
to whisper to me in between her giggles.
“Who is that D?”
“Um I think that’s Elise. She’s
Jaime’s twin.”
Twin? Wait. I didn’t know Jaime
had a twin, and once D said that, I
noticed the other girl next to her. They
definitely weren’t identical because Jaime
didn’t look anything like Elise. Jaime was
a tomboy; Elise looked a lot more girly.
Jaime was wearing some black dickey
pants and a purple shirt that showed her
shape but wasn’t skin tight. She had short
black hair that she spiked out and green
eyes. She looked absolutely nothing like
Jaime walked up to D to give her a
hug and turned to face me and her sister.
“So Logan, this is Elise. Elise, this is
I turned to look at D with a look
that said, “What the hell is going on”
because I totally felt like I was set up all of
a sudden. D just smiled and looked away.
Yup, I was totally being set up!
“Hi Logan. From the look your
giving Deandra, I’m assuming you didn’t
know about this either?”
She gestured with her hands
between the two of us.
“Well, no I didn’t, but I should have
guessed this was going to happen.” I laugh,
“Hey, let’s get inside so we can kick their
butts at mini golf for setting us up. What
do you say?”
“Let’s do it. You girls are going
Laughing we made our way to the
counter to pay, and then we hit the
course. We killed Jaime and Deandra. I
was surprised to see that I actually got
along well with Elise. My guard stayed up,
but not as high as it usually does. I was
able to be myself without explaining my
past. Jaime asked me if I could give her
and D some time alone. I agreed partly
because I knew D would want the same
thing, but I also wanted to spend some
time alone with Elise.
We said our goodbyes and walked in
different directions. I had a hundred
different thoughts running through my
head, and I knew I needed to say
something to Elise. We had gotten along
all night, and I could see myself liking her,
but I didn’t want to be in a relationship. I
didn’t want the complications that come
with it. I didn’t want to tell her about my
past and involve her in my messed up life.
My dad was winning again. It’s one thing
to tell D about what was going on, but I
couldn’t do that to Elise. I started to put
my guard up higher and ended up taking
her home. We talked the entire time, and
when we reached her door, she leaned in
and gave me my first kiss.
Maybe hanging out with D made me
go soft, but this just didn’t feel right. She
walked inside, and I walked home to find
D on my porch waiting for me. She had
been crying. My first thought was that
something went wrong with Jaime. I
completely forgot about my kiss and asked
D what was wrong. Her answer was the
worst possible news I could have gotten.
“Logan, I’m moving again,” she said
in between sobs.
“What do you mean you’re
“My mom was cheating on my dad,
so he kicked her out. She wants me to
move with her.”
“Don’t! Tell your dad that you want
to stay here with him.”
“I tried. He said I should go with her
to keep an eye on her.”
I couldn’t believe it. This is why I
never got close to people. They would
always leave me.
“This sucks beyond anything, you
know that? I wish there was something I
can do to convince him to let you stay.”
“Just promise that no matter where
I move, we will stay in touch. Promise me
“I promise D.”
We hugged, and I walked her home
so she wouldn’t have to face it all over
again by herself. I felt the beast clawing its
way to the surface, and I stiffened up.
Deandra must have felt the change
because she stopped to turn and look at
“Logan take a deep breath. Good.
Now release

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