it. It’s going to be ok. You are
not alone. You have Elise now, and Jaime
said she would keep an eye on you. You
have our whole group. It’s not going to go
back to the way it was last year.”
Deandra didn’t understand that the
whole reason I hung out with our group
was to be around her. It had been a year
since I started to feel alive, one year of D
being in my life every day. I had been
ignoring the signs that something was
definitely wrong with my mom. I would
have to face everything that I had been
avoiding. It was all going to crash down
around me.
“Elise kissed me.”
“What? Why didn’t you say anything
before now?”
“Well after you told me you are
being forced to move, kissing seemed less
important. What’s the big deal anyways?”
“It’s a huge deal! It was your first
kiss. Be a total girl about it and tell me
how it was.”
“Ugh, a total girl D? You do realize
you wound my masculinity all the time,
I was enjoying laughing with her so
much. I was going to miss this. D was the
only person I could be myself with
completely. How was I going to go back to
who I was? I didn’t want that.
“Yeah yeah. Get to the kiss.”
“Well it was just a kiss, but it felt
totally wrong. It felt like I was cheating on
someone, and that makes no sense
whatsoever considering I’m not dating
“Well maybe it’s just your mind’s
way of telling you that she’s not the one.”
“Come on D. We’re seventeen and
still in high school. The chances of me
finding ‘the one’ are slim to none.”
“I don’t know about that, but kiss
girls and make mistakes. Live life Logan.
Don’t go back to how you used to be. If
you don’t want to do it for yourself, then
do it for me. I’ll expect a report of your
conquests every time I call!”
“Okay. Take care of yourself
Deandra. I’m going to miss your ugly
“Me too Logan. I’m going to miss
you so much that it’s ridiculous.”
I gave her a hug and a kiss on the
head. I turned around and walked away
from the new life I had and into the old
one I was all too familiar with, but
something was different. I could feel it
pulsing underneath my skin. It was held
back by Deandra’s presence, but it had
come back full force. It’s begging to be
Chapter 7
After the shock had worn off, Mom agreed we
needed to leave, and so we did. It took us a little
while, but we finally made it out of that house. I
graduated, started college, and began working full
time again. My brother understood why we left, but
he decided to stay with my grandparents. He got into
some trouble and ended up in a rehab facility.
Anthony got really lucky that his probation
officer had him sent to there; he really should have
gone to jail. He was on probation for a charge that I
couldn’t remember exactly what he did, but it wasn’t
a joke. He got randomly drug tested and came up
positive, but his probation officer was nice and
recommended rehab. His best friend Jay and I got
close, really close. We worked together at the
waterpark and then started hanging out outside of
work. I started developing this crush on him, and well
apparently he felt the same. We were always together.
We never became an official couple though.
I never thought I had a type, but what girl
doesn’t like the potential bad boy? Jay wasn’t
necessarily the bad boy, but the image he tried to
portray screamed it. He was the wannabe gangster
that you always expected to come across in our
neighborhood. He was Mexican. Jay had medium
brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair. He was about
an inch or two taller than me and had a stocky build. I
wouldn’t say he was fat because that’s rude, but he
was “fluffy”. That’s one of the things I liked about
him though; I didn’t feel my insecurities surface as
much when I was around him. Maybe it’s because we
had known each other for so long, and our
appearances didn’t matter to one another.
Michael Innes
J.A. Cipriano
Shelley Freydont
Compiled by Christopher C. Payne
Kate Lynne
Juliet Marillier
Nancy Herkness
Melanie Marks
Sarah Hall
Lauren Hawkeye