Fair Coin
had wasted what was potentially his last wish, but maybe the coin was giving him exactly what he wanted after all. If things worked out the way he hoped with Jena tonight, he wouldn't need a single wish more.

    Ephraim didn't do well at parties. Jena had greeted him enthusiastically at the door, but before long she'd been called off to fulfill her duties as hostess. Ephraim stood alone by the snack table in the dining room, watching everyone else mingling and having a good time.
    He never hung out with his classmates outside of high school, aside from Nathan. He figured they were all just forced together by circumstance, so why bother? He didn't have much in common with most of them, and he probably wouldn't see many of them ever again after high school—especially if he got out of Summerside like he planned.
    Some of the guests cast puzzled glances his way as they approached the food table, then veered off to avoid talking to him. Ephraim watched Michael Gupal talk to Jena on the other side of the living room. He seemed to have recovered from his injuries; Ephraim didn't even see any bruises or cuts on his face. Perhaps that had been wiped out by his latest wishes, too, which would explain why Nathan had no memory of beating up Michael. There went his dreams of blackmailing the bully and ending his reign of terror.
    “Do I need to give you a code word?” A girl's voice came from his right.
    One of the Morales twins stood next to him, one hand on the dining table.
    “Er. What?” he asked.
    “I figured you were in charge of the food. You haven't budged from this table since you got here.” She glanced over at Jena, who was still deep in conversation with Michael near the massive entertainment center. “Or are you admiring the view?”
    “I just kind of ended up here.”
    “Well, you're really good at it. Standing.”
    “No, thank you. You're saving me from unnecessary calories.”
    Ephraim picked up a plastic cup. “Can I pour you a drink?”
    “Now you're the bartender? I suppose that's a step up.”
    “The tips are better.”
    She looked over the selection of sodas. “Just a Coke, please.”
    Ephraim reached for the Diet Coke, and she put a hand on his. He froze.
    “Do I look like I need Diet?” she asked.
    She wore a yellow tank top that showed off exactly how little she needed a diet soda. She had a baby-blue knee-length skirt on and pink sandals. Her toenails were neon green.
    “Not even a little bit. It's just…you were talking about calories…”
    “Diet's fine.” She smiled. He handed her the cup, and she sipped it delicately, peering around him. He turned but didn't see anyone there.
    “What?” he asked.
    “I was wondering where your sidekick was.”
    “My sidekick? Oh. Nathan, uh, couldn't make it.” Because he wasn't invited. Ephraim felt guilty about ditching Nathan and lying about his plans for the evening, but since the presence of Mary and Shelley Morales at the party was a given, Nathan would have insisted on tagging along. The betrayal would hurt his friend either way, but better to beg for forgiveness than risk his chance to spend some time with Jena. Of course, the other major downside to keeping Nathan in the dark was he couldn't get a ride to Jena's house, which was clear on the other side of town. It had taken over an hour on a bus to get here, and he'd have to leave early if he wanted to get home the same way.
    Ephraim swiveled his head to follow Jena as she disappeared into the kitchen with Michael. He took a half step in that direction.
    “That's a shame,” she said. He snapped his attention back to the Morales twin, whichever one she was. She noticed him studying her nervously. “I'm Mary, by the way, if you were wondering.”
    He laughed. “Am I that obvious?”
    “I recognized the look in your eyes. It's not just you. We've had the same classmates since junior high, and still no one can tell us apart. Just Jena, which is probably why she's our best

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