Fighting With the Infuriating Prince

Fighting With the Infuriating Prince by Elizabeth Lennox Page A

Book: Fighting With the Infuriating Prince by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
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    She leaned against the secret door, her body shivering with nerves and anticipation.  “Your offer was a bit too compelling,” she finally told him.  Her eyes drifted down, skimming across his chest and he smiled, eager for whatever she might be doing to him tonight. 
    He didn’t move, just stood there, waiting for her. 
    “What do I do?” she finally asked. 
    He shrugged one of those massive shoulders.  “You tell me,” he dared her.  “You’re in charge, princess.”
    She smiled as she licked her lips.  “Totally in charge?” she asked, stepping away from the secret doorway. 
    “Completely in charge,” he assured her.  “Just tell me what you want me to do.”
    She stepped closer, not really sure what she wanted.  Except to touch him, she thought.  Moving across the floor on almost silent feet, she stepped closer to him, her hands moving to his chest.  “I can touch you all I want?”
    “And anywhere you want,” he assured her, looking down at her and his body was instantly hard and aching.  That look in her eyes told him that she was extremely turned on by the idea and he loved this about her.  He instantly knew that he was in trouble…and was going to love every moment of it. 
    When her soft fingers first touched his chest, he grunted as if he were in pain.  And, in a way, he was in pain.  He wanted to lift her up into his arms and carry her over to his bed.  Every instinct within him wanted to take charge, to make love to her until she was screaming out his name. 
    But he wanted all of her.  Including her admission that she liked what they did to each other.  If he could get her to admit that, he suspected he might get her agreement to marry him.  Why this was so important, he wasn’t even thinking about.  All he knew was that he wanted her.  Forever!
    Jalayla ran her fingers over every inch of his chest, her fingers sliding against the textured skin that was so different from her own.  She was fascinated by his skin that was so much darker than hers.  When her fingers slid over his flat, male nipple, she heard him hiss through his teeth and she liked that sound.  So she did it again, garnering the same results.  Remembering the way he’d tortured her breasts earlier today, she moved her head closer, her lips capturing his nipple and tormenting it mercilessly. 
    When she felt his hands on her hips, she looked up at him, trying to be stern.  “Take your hands off of me,” she told him.
    He stared at her for a long moment, considering just ignoring her order.  But in the end, he reminded himself of the long-term goal and his hands slid off of her hips, hanging next to his hips. 
    Jalayla smiled and went back to her exploration.  She moved over his chest and stomach, stopping when she reached the waistband of his jeans.  Her fingers slid underneath the material as if she were about to unsnap, but when she felt his stomach muscles tighten, she pulled back and moved around to the back of him.  She gave the muscles in his back equal time and found several spots that were almost as reactive as the front of him. 
    When she came back around to the front, she wanted very badly for him to lift her up into his arms and carry her over to the enormous bed, to make love to her like he had earlier this morning.  But she remembered that she was in charge and bit her lower lip.  “Take off your jeans and go lie down,” she told him.
    His jeans were gone swiftly and he wasn’t wearing anything else underneath.  When he walked stiffly over to the bed, he laid on his back, his feet on the floor.  “Now what, princess?” he asked, his eyes almost taunting her.
    She climbed onto the mattress and looked down at him, her mouth watering at all of the ideas running through her mind.  But instead of acting on any of them, she stood up and slid her nightgown off of herself.  She smiled when Tasir lifted his head up, his dark eyes taking in her now-naked body.  She

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