Fighting With the Infuriating Prince

Fighting With the Infuriating Prince by Elizabeth Lennox Page B

Book: Fighting With the Infuriating Prince by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
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wasn’t aware of how his eyes followed her because she was too intent on following him down onto the bed.  She was still shy, but fighting that part of herself.  As she sat down beside him, her hands moved to cover her breasts. 
    “You can’t do that,” he cautioned her.
    Jalayla looked up, startled. 
    “Cover yourself,” he said, nodding to her arms that were crossed over her chest.  “If you’re in charge, you have to be sure of yourself.”
    She shook her head, unaware of the way her dark hair drifted over her shoulders.  “I can do whatever I want,” she came right back.  “I’m in charge, right?”
    He sighed and leaned back down.  “Okay, so what’s your next step?” he teased, enjoying her excitement even if this was moving too slowly for his taste. 
    She looked up and down his body, not sure what she wanted to do.  So she simply leaned down and started the same process she’d done earlier today but this time, she kept her hands on his wrists, refusing to let him touch her for fear that he would stop her again. 
    She kissed him and enjoyed experimenting, tasting and feeling him against her skin. 
    She almost laughed out loud with delight when she heard him moan.  “Jalayla, I can’t take much more,” he told her, his voice sounding harsh.  She looked up and realized that he was still laying on his back but his body was rigid, sweat breaking out on his forehead as he tried to control himself. 
    She took pity on him and moved higher up on his body.  When she was straddling him once again, she took him into her body, feeling all of him inside of her and loving it.  “Okay, I’m releasing control.  Please…” she started to say something but she was flipped over onto her back and he was pressing himself into her.  It was so powerful, she screamed out, her body arching up into his.  It didn’t take long before she was splintering apart and his climax quickly followed. 
    She was still breathing heavily when he pulled her higher up onto the bed, his arm curling around her as he pulled her closer against him.  He tried to form words, but nothing would come out.  A few moments later, he felt her breathing settle down and he knew that she was asleep. 
    Unwilling to be separated from her for even a moment, he reached out with his arm and turned off the light.  He’d have to wake her before dawn so that she could go back to her own room, but until then, she was his.  And he would keep her close to him for as long as he possibly could.

Chapter 4
    Jalayla watched Tasir breathe in and out, admiring his astonishing chest, all those delicious muscles as well as the way his long lashes looked against his tanned skin.  He really was an amazingly handsome man, she thought.  All arrogance aside, he was a good man.  And while he was sleeping, she could admit that she liked him.  Well, more than liked him.  She felt something for the man that…it didn’t make sense.  She’d known him for too short a time and…Jalayla shook her head.  Her feelings didn’t make sense.  They were too strong, too…she didn’t want to feel this way towards Tasir. 
    It was too bad that she would have to leave.  She wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed and curl up against him once more. 
    But it was time, she knew.  It was time to head home, to face reality. 
    Their time together had been nothing more than a dare, a time where they explored each other’s bodies.  He taught her about sensuality and she taught him…well, perhaps she’d taught him a few manners along the way.  She wasn’t completely sure of that, but it made her feel better to think it was true. 
    She jerked out of her reverie when Tasir rolled over, his arm reaching out, obviously looking for her.  Jalayla knew she had to hurry.  He’d woken her up several times last night, making love to her and then, after their bodies were sated once again, talking about their lives and what they wanted for each of

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