Fighting With the Infuriating Prince

Fighting With the Infuriating Prince by Elizabeth Lennox

Book: Fighting With the Infuriating Prince by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
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    Dressing carefully for dinner that night, she chose a simple cocktail dress instead of a longer, more formal outfit.  And she only put on diamond earrings, trying to keep things unfussy.  Her black dress was made of silk, which added a bit of a sheen to the outfit, and she wore a pair of heels that gave her confidence as well as a bit more height. 
    She wanted to look sophisticated and elegant.  Definitely not like she was anticipating a night of wickedness in a man’s bed.  But the moment she stepped into the drawing room where her father, Tasir and Tasir’s father were having a pre-dinner drink, she knew that she wasn’t going to be able to pull it off.  As soon as she looked up into Tasir’s dark eyes, she could feel her cheeks turning pink.  She wasn’t even sure if the blush was caused by anticipation for the night to come, or embarrassment at all that they had done earlier in the day. 
    And her discomfiture was made even more pronounced when he looked down at her, even while he was flanked by her father and his, and had the audacity to wink at her!  The damned man knew how much she was anticipating tonight! 
    It didn’t matter.  She couldn’t even rouse up a bit of anger at his wicked glances. She was just too excited. 
    And dinner lasted forever!  There was a long, drawn out and almost angry discussion about some sort of shipping contract that the older men were arguing about.  She didn’t understand most of it, but it sounded like a simple solution would be to compromise on the shipping routes although neither parent was willing to do so.  It was an odd conversation and one in which neither Tasir nor she participated. 
    When the main course was taken away by the ever-efficient servants, she excused herself, saying she was exhausted from the day. 
    The men all stood as she walked out but she only felt Tasir’s eyes on her back.  She carefully closed the doors to the dining room and made her way to her own room.  Once there, she slid out of the dress and pulled on another silk nightgown.  None of her nightwear was of the flirtatious style, but she had several that made her feel pretty.  And he hadn’t seemed to mind what she was wearing last night. 
    But when she’d finally dressed and was pacing her room, she wondered what in the world she was doing!  She looked down at herself, clad only in a thin, silk nightgown and her body obviously was primed for yet another sexual encounter with Tasir. 
    She pushed her hair back off of her head, trying to get a grip on what she was planning, what she anticipated.  How crazy was she?  She should have just left this afternoon and sent her father a message.  She was absolutely not going to do this tonight! 
    She paced back and forth, her brain telling her to stop thinking about going to his room tonight, to simply go to sleep and forget about the whole challenge.  But her body wasn’t going to allow her ignore the pull of the dare. 
    It was almost eleven o’clock when she sighed and sat down on her bed.  Did she want to do this?  Yes.  Was it a horrible idea?  Absolutely!  Was she going anyway? 
    She stood up and took a deep, calming breath.  Once she saw him, she wouldn’t be this nervous.  Right? 
    She slipped through the secret hallway, her hand shaking as it held the flashlight.  With each step, she told herself to go back, to run away and ignore the pull that was Tasir.  But she didn’t follow her brain’s orders.  When she felt the click on the door to his room, she took a deep breath and slipped through. 
    She found him pacing back and forth, wearing a pair of jeans that rode very low on his hips.  When he saw her, his eyes widened slightly.
    “You didn’t know about the secret passageways?” she asked, leaning against the door.  Almost as if she weren’t fully committed to being here.
    “I knew about them.  It was why I told you to come through them.  I just didn’t think you’d come

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