Finding Alien Love (SciFi Alien Romance)
    “What doesn’t make sense about it?” Sasha reached his mind out to the other members of his clan; he knew he should have anticipated questions, but he had been so caught up in the moment that he hadn’t considered an excuse.
    “The bears. A normal guy doesn’t just roll up in the midst of a bunch of bears and walk out without a mark on him.”
    “They had started wandering away,” he said. “I saw them leaving you. Must have lost their curiosity.”
    “But—but don’t bears often eat carrion? Or…” Alexandra frowned. “It just—it doesn’t make sense. What happened?” Sasha sighed. There was no way around it; even drugged, she was too sharp. He thought of something—the only way out of the situation. He had sensed her response to him. In spite of her instinctive apprehension when she had seen him for the first time, Sasha knew that Alexandra was attracted to him; he had caught the shift in her pheromones, signaling the beginnings of arousal.
    “I think it’s probably too fresh right now to think about very much,” Sasha said, making his voice as soothing as possible. “You should rest up. I’ll give you the gory details later.” Alexandra frowned again, but as Sasha stepped towards her, he sniffed—and caught the elusive scent of her flicker of arousal. “You can stay here for as long as you need,” he told her, moving slowly—slowly—closer. “I called someone to tow your car to the shop in town, and I got your things for you.”
    “That was very thoughtful,” Alexandra said, licking her lips. “Thank you.” Sasha sat down at the edge of the bed, his gaze traveling over the lush curves of her body; he couldn’t help himself.
    “I hope I don’t scare you,” he said quietly. “I swear, Alexandra—I have no intention of hurting you in any way.”
    “I guess…” Alexandra glanced away from him and then met his gaze once more. “I guess if you did I’d be dead already, or at least not neatly stitched up.” She smiled slightly, and her scent washed over Sasha in waves.
    Are you doing this to distract her, or because you can’t stand not to have her? It didn’t matter. Sasha leaned slightly closer to Alexandra.
    “If you’re scared, tell me to stop, and I will,” Sasha told her. “Any time. You can even tell me to leave.”
    “It’s your house though,” Alexandra said. Sasha caught the bitter tinge of gunpowder fear—but his sensitive nose also picked up the rising current of arousal threaded through her warm, spicy scent. It was enough to drive any man wild; he could feel the ursine part of his mind pushing him forward.
    “Still,” Sasha said, pushing back the urge to rub himself all over her with an effort. “If you tell me to stop, or leave you alone, believe that I will do it.” He held her gaze for a long moment. “Even—even if you don’t say it, I’ll know if you don’t want me to continue.”
    “Continue what?” Alexandra’s voice was full of confusion, but he could sense her body warming up, more of the delicious smell of her arousal threading through her scent. Sasha leaned in towards her carefully and brushed his lips against hers.
    “You have to know you’re damn near irresistible,” Sasha told her, his voice deepening into a growl. He swallowed. Now is not the time to lose control. You have to get her on your side first. Then…then, maybe she can know about who you really are. Sasha deepened the kiss gradually, letting his hands carefully trail over Alexandra’s body. He kept his senses at their peak, searching for the slightest hint that she was hesitant, that she didn’t want him to continue. But as his tongue swept across her lips, Alexandra opened her mouth, and the scent of her arousal intensified.
    Sasha’s arousal felt like hot lead in the pit of his stomach; he had never felt as drawn to any woman he’d been with as he did with Alexandra. “Irresistible?” Alexandra murmured against his lips, not quite breaking away from

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