Finding Alien Love (SciFi Alien Romance)
the kiss. Sasha growled lowly, cupping her breasts through the fabric of the shirt he’d given her. Her nipples stirred, hardening into firm little nubs as he rubbed and gently kneaded her flesh.
    “Mmm,” Sasha moaned, shuddering lightly. He broke away from Alexandra’s lips, looking into her eyes. “Remember. Any time.” Alexandra nodded, her eyes darkening slightly with lust. Sasha leaned in once more, his hands falling down along her ribcage, seeking the hem of the shirt. He tugged the shirt upward, and Alexandra moaned against his lips, obediently raising her arms over her head.
    Sasha carefully pulled the shirt up, guiding it along her arms and trying to avoid the stitches and bandages. He broke away from Alexandra’s lips to take in the sight of her body once more; he had seen her before, when he had laid her down in the bed. The sheer fact of her nudity hadn’t moved him then—he and the clan, in their transformations, spent plenty of time naked. But now, with the scent of her arousal filling his nose, the knowledge of her desire threading fire through his brain, Sasha felt his nerves tingling with a reciprocal flame. She doesn’t know it, he thought, but she’s mine. I just have to convince her.
    He cupped her breasts, bringing them up to his mouth, and Sasha closed his eyes as he kissed every inch of each mound, claiming first one nipple and then the other with lips and tongue. Her skin tasted salty and faintly sweet to his tongue, both like and unlike that of any woman he’d ever been with before. Alexandra moaned out as Sasha’s tongue flickered against each nub, pitching and arching slightly in his arms. Sasha let his hands fall down along Alexandra’s sides, reaching for the waistband of the pajama pants he’d loaned her. Alexandra shifted, and the scent of her fluids rose up to meet Sasha’s nose. He groaned, a crackle of heat rushing through his veins. He wanted to bury his face against her slick folds, to devour her whole.
    Sasha steadied himself, pushing down the animal impulses as he caressed and teased Alexandra everywhere. He moaned against her skin, pushing her gently down onto the bed as he tugged the flannel pants down over her hips. Sasha shuddered from the need to hold himself back, to keep control of his animal nature. He breathed slowly, letting one hand stray down between Alexandra’s legs, to cup her soaking wet pussy. Alexandra moaned, pushing her hips down in an instinctive movement. Her fluids flowed against his palm, coating his fingers as he slithered them up and down along her slick folds. “I want to taste you,” Sasha murmured lowly, nuzzling into Alexandra’s neck.
    “G-go ahead,” Alexandra said, her voice breaking as she twisted and writhed underneath him. Sasha chuckled, stroking and rubbing her slowly, finding her clit by touch. Alexandra shivered, her legs tensing, her arms winding around his shoulders.
    Sasha kissed her hungrily, stroking her even as he trailed his lips down along the column of her throat, past her collarbones, and along the line of her not-quite-flat abdomen. Sasha nipped sharply at the curve of her hip, spreading her legs gently. The scent of her fluids, her arousal, was too much to bear; Sasha could feel the desire humming and buzzing in his veins. He took a deep breath to keep his human mind in strict control and buried his face against her soaking wet folds, nuzzling and licking.
    The sweet taste of Alexandra’s fluids coated his tongue and Sasha moaned against her drenched flesh, pressing his lips against her more firmly. He flicked his tongue up and down along her labia, barely missing her clit, slurping her fluids up eagerly. She tasted just as he thought she would—and Sasha’s determination to make Alexandra his intensified.
    He held himself back, carefully paying attention to every sound that left her lips, to every shift of her scent, every movement of her body; heedless of her injuries, Alexandra pitched and writhed underneath

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