Ghosts of Lyarra
cannon ring. These plasma accelerator cannons were four times the size of any mounted to a Lyarran vessel and stood as the first deterrent for any foul-intentioned stranger. One shot from these would gut most cruiser class ships from stem to stern and leave it a burning hulk in space.
    Next was the Mars ship yard and docking station; the furthest into the Sol system a large ship could travel. Here, they would offload their cargo and crew aboard a fleet of transport shuttles that would make the final trek into Earth orbit and land at one of the three functional land based space ports after they had cleared the orbital PA cannon ring. The once annoying and over intrusive screening of the old TSA agency looked like a walk in the park as Earth held the tightest security in the Empire. There was a general consensus in the human population that they would never again be caught unaware of an attack that would devastate the planet like the Husk did. To date, there were a few identification issues, small smuggling rings busted, and one confrontation with an unregistered vessel that eventually was turned away at the Jupiter ring. Other than test firing the cannons, their fury had not been loosed upon anyone as of yet, but today may be the first.
    Early this morning, Sara had gotten word that a small vessel had entered the system and slipped past the Lyarran guard. While this wasn’t an uncommon event - she silently cursed their lazy efforts in security - it was the description given of the intruder by an outbound ship that truly disturbed her. It was conical in shape, reminiscent of a pine cone; a Husk ship! While it lacked the size of its predecessor - scanners showing it to be one tenth the size of the marauder that rocked the Earth five years ago - it was still a threat and if it turned out to be a Husk vessel then Sara was going to use it as a live demonstration to those who had hinted threats to Earth as a reason not to fuck with her planet!
    So with her data pad in hand, she stood upon the now powered holo-link and let herself get whisked across the cosmos to the Grand Council Chambers on Havyiin. Most times she would not wear an earpiece that connected her with the Space Naval Securities Office, but this was one of those unique, one of a kind scenarios. It always made her feel small in comparison with the other races; her five foot six frame was slight when up against the towering races that made up the Empire. Sara took the time to look about the room; she was one of the first stations to come online, but was soon followed by one after the other as podium after podium first lit then began to display their constituents. She was also caught off guard as to how many Councillors were there in person; a rarity for most of these functions! Glancing across the room to where she knew to find Lyxia’s station, her heart warmed fondly when it too lit and her new friend appeared. Other than the J’Karins - who had begun to be no shows at the recent sessions - friends were at a premium in these days and she was glad that Lyxia and her mighty ship were amongst her group of them!
    The lights dimmed slightly and a soft pipe instrument sang to notify all of the arrival of the chair of the Council; the Empress Iana. As she strolled in, it was in a way unlike any of the times Sara had witnessed before. She was always accompanied by the towering J’Karin Bryx - her long-time bodyguard - but this time she was alone. Sara wondered if this would be an opening that the whispers in the shadows might be waiting for.
    There was no secret in the unrest that had followed the battle with the Husk on Earth. Losing Aen was tragic enough for Sara; he being what remained of her father after a genetic experiment transformed him; but it also left the planet feeling vulnerable. Aen had saved them and without his aide the results of the conflict would have been much different. But Aen’s life had sent ripples through the galaxy, and there were those that

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