Ghosts of Lyarra
blamed his loss solely on the Empress and thus granting a foothold to those who wished to push her from her seat upon the Throne of Light. Once whispers in the shadows had become a dull roar, and Sara feared once the Empress was out of the way the Earth may be the next target!
    She was confident they could hold off most attackers, but doubted they would stand tall against the Imperial Fleet as a whole; at least for now. She needed to stall those who may target them for a little bit longer; at least until the secret she was hiding in the inner solar system was complete! As humanity controlled the traffic inwards from Mars, it was quite easy to hide things in between Venus and Mercury, but the sheer size of this last project made that as difficult as could be. Sara only hoped that ‘the shit didn’t hit the fan’ now and that all eyes remained where they were; on the one who sat upon the throne.
    She heard the Empress clear her throat and begin the proceedings. She also felt the weight of the suppressed anger in the room push down upon that in the center. There was an odd feeling in the air and Sara was sure that this meeting would be the beginning of something much greater than just another day at the office!
Lyarran Throne World Havyiin;
Empress’ Chambers in the Grand Council
    “What do you mean I have to go out there alone?” Iana screamed. “Have you not felt the anger they rain down upon me each meeting? I would be helpless!”
    “That is the appearance we must project to those in the shadows.” Bryx growled. “We are backed into a corner Empress, and the only one to offer help is the last one I wanted to accept it from.”
    “You are too harsh on him!” she said, calming down slightly. “After all he has been through, it is a wonder he chooses to help us at all. And with all that he has become, it would have taken so little for him to simply disappear and let the Empire self-destruct as I fear it is heading towards.”
    “But how can we trust someone who doesn’t remember who he is?” Bryx protested.
    “Memories don’t define a being, they only help guide them along the path of life.” She replied. “His mind protects him from the unheralded trauma he sustained in both his creation and demise. There isn’t a single being amongst the Empire that could endure what he has and remain standing. If he has offered his hand to help, I will take it.”
    “I must protest once more to the course of this plan!” he grumbled in vain.
    Iana smiled nervously as she noticed the buzzer go off, that signaled the start of the Council session. There were only a few more moments until the show would start, so to speak. She knew the plan, and though she didn’t fully understand the fine details of it, she knew her part and how to play it. It was difficult to put her life in Aen’s hands, but there was little else she could do. Whether or not she wanted it, the storm was coming and Aen was the sole one offering shelter from it. He was more powerful than she could imagine and he had truly realized every aspect of his power. Of course, she would have felt more comfortable if he had his memories back as she had connected with him during his awakening on Terra Sol.
    It was nearly time to start and she reached out to embrace her friend. With luck, she would see him when all this was near its conclusion; if not, she would see him in the afterlife!
    “Goodbye old friend.” She had tears falling down her cheeks. “Disappear and I will see you on the other side.”
    “It was my honor to serve you all this time.” Bryx said softly; breaking the embrace and heading to the secret exit in her chamber.
    “The honor was mine, Bryx. The honor was all mine.”
    Iana watched as he left through the doorway and it shut behind him. The last bastion of her former life had now gone. She was alone, though she knew Aen was not too far. It was hard for a predator to become prey, but she knew this was the only way to win this very

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