Ghosts of Lyarra
change, their wealth and riches became looked upon as undeserved as many began to whisper contentions of Terra Sol’s inclusion in the Empire itself in an attempt to render those riches up for grabs!
    Spending two years in orbit of the human’s planet, Lyxia had a newfound respect and admiration for this young race. Their resolve was equal to the battle mentality of her Paxyn brethren; a never-give-up attitude that echoed in every aspect of their daily lives. It was true they had lost their way before the invasion, but as the dust settled from a failed annihilation they once more found themselves the heart of the Spartan warriors of lore as if to honor the being that gave his all to save them; Aen.
    Aen; his very name still sent shockwaves through her soul. How he had managed to impact her so deeply in such a short time still amazed her, but in his death he had torn her asunder. His death had left a wake so large, it rippled through the very fabric of the Empire and rocked it to the core. But was he dead; and if he wasn’t, where was he? Why hadn’t he come back for her, and why he chose to stay away for so long were the questions that haunted her. It was a struggle some days to act like nothing had happened and today seemed to be harder than most.
    As the buzzer went off, the chamber activated and the view from her podium in the Council, formed. Her station was about the half way up point of a four storey coliseum style building that gave a wonderful view around her. Almost directly across from her was the podium for Terra Sol and she could look fondly at her friend, Council Sara Foster. She could tell the human was in a similar mood to hers by the troubled look on her face. Below, the floor of the Council was vacant, and would be until the arrival of the Empress who stood as chairperson and mediator of all Council proceedings. Even before stepping on the holo-pad, Lyxia could feel the weight of the growing tension in the room. No matter how bad this day would become, she knew this was the only way to support the Empress who had helped her so much through life. If it was a day for change, she had some serious decisions to make and Lyxia desperately hoped that the day would be uneventful. But in the back of her mind, she felt the signs of danger and that feeling had always been right in the past.
Geneva, Switzerland; Earth Council Headquarters
    It was not the greatest of days for a Council meeting, but in this day and age there rarely was a good day for one. Sara Foster readied herself for yet another day of political attacks from the old guard of the Council. No matter how much Earth had proved itself in recent years, there were those on the Council that would never accept them as equals and it was a fight that had finally begun to wear her down. After five long years at the helm of Earth, Sara was more tired than she could ever remember.
    Taking a deep breath she looked outside the holo-chamber window to the breathtaking view across the Swiss landscape. With the fresh mountain air and the picturesque city, it was one of the few saving graces to her sanity these days to look upon what they had worked so hard to save. Of the original Earth government, Sara was the last one still in office and that was because the Empress had refused her resignation on more than one occasion. So as she prepared for the next few hours of unrest, she knew she wouldn’t back down from any physical or political threats from any of the other worlds on the Council. Earth had now become a fortress, and unbeknownst to the rest of the Empire, they were well underway in building their own fleet of star ships!
    As of now, to enter the system, a ship had to pass through three layers of security. The first was a routine patrol of a Lyarran frigate on the designated entry point to the system. After passing scans and security checks, the visitor would move on to the Jupiter rendezvous point; the first human space station that operated the outer PA

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