His Robot Girlfriend

His Robot Girlfriend by Wesley Allison Page B

Book: His Robot Girlfriend by Wesley Allison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wesley Allison
Tags: Fiction, science, Fantasy, robot, girlfriend, daffodil
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    “ You’re not feeling jealous
yourself? Or upset that I love Harriet more than I love
    “ I would expect you to love
her more than you love me,” said Patience. “You have known me for
only a few days. You’ve known her all her life. Your love for your
children is just one of the many things I like about you,
    When they returned home, there were several
packages waiting on the front step. Two were quite large—as big as
the box that Patience had arrived in. One was small and flat. Three
others were odd configurations. Mike picked up the small, flat
package and examined the address.
    Mr. Mike Smith
    11 North Willow
    Springdale, California 82803
    As it turned out, this was the only one of
the packages addressed to him. The others had all been sent to
Patience D. Smith, at the same address.
    "What the hell is all this?" wondered
    “ These are some of the
purchases that I have made,” Patience replied.
    “ These aren’t all
    “ Of course not, Mike. I’ve
started selling some of your old things on eBay, and I realized
that there were a number of things that I could buy and sell for a
    “ Are you sure? There’s a
lot of junk on eBay. That’s why I sell all mine there.”
    “ I’m sure. This package is
from Submit Fashions.”
    “ Really?” wondered Mike.
“That sounds like some kind of fetish shop.”
    “ Well, it isn’t,” said
Patience. “It’s a store that sells sexy clothing for young
    “ Such as
    “ Such as myself. I noticed
that you enjoyed watching me in my new clothes.”
    “ Indeed I do,” replied
    They took the packages in and Patience
removed most of them to the garage. Mike sat down and opened the
one small package that had his name on it. Inside was a new texTee.
It was like the one that he had used in the hospital. It had a
brushed grey finish and an eight inch screen, about twenty percent
larger than his old one. He turned it over and flipped the on
    “ Good evening, Mike,” it
said aloud.
    “ Do you like it?” asked
Patience from the hallway.
    “ It’s beautiful, but I
wasn’t planning on buying a new one. My texTee isn’t that
    “ I noticed that you liked
the one at the hospital,” she said.
    “ I did like it, but I don’t
remember saying anything about it.”
    Patience poked her head around the corner and
grinned. “It won’t be long before I know what you need before you
even know that you need it.”
    “ Just as long as you don’t
tell me ‘I’m sorry Mike, I’m afraid I can’t do that”.
    “ I doubt I’ll need to do
that,” she replied.
    “ Well there you go.” Mike
turned back to his new texTee. Time Magazine was loaded and he
began reading the political department.
    “ What do you think?” asked
Patience a few minutes later, now back in the center of the living
    “ I think Barlow is an
asshole. Why is he cozying up to the religious right? You know he
hates them.”
    “ I mean about my
    “ Holy Crap!” said Mike,
looking up at last. “I thought you said that wasn’t a fetish
    “ It is not a fetish store.
This is what all the young women are wearing.”
    “ Then all the young women
are dressing like sluts.”
    Patience was wearing a halter top and a pair
of short shorts, both of which were made of some kind of very shiny
white plastic material. She had a matching pair of shin high white
boots with platform soles that had to be three inches high.
    “ How do you propose to walk
in those?”
    “ I can walk just fine,”
said Patience, and began doing a sort of 1970s electric slide,
sideways across the living room. “Does that mean you don’t like my
new clothes?”
    “ I didn’t say that,” Mike
laughed. “Did you buy a swimsuit from Slave Fashions…?”
    “ Submit
    “ Whatever. Did
    “ As a matter of fact, I
did. Would you like to see it?”
    “ No. Save it for tomorrow.
We’re going to

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