Honeybun Hottie (Plus Size Romance 5)
long, flowing, white wedding gown.
    Blythe was wearing nothing at the moment but a flimsy bra and a pair of her white sensible cotton panties.  She was too despondent to get dressed.  Quickly, she swiped away a tear as she continued packing.  She blinked back another one when she realized she was leaving with almost as many honeybuns as she came to camp with.  Blythe no longer needed them. Sean was her new favorite dessert.
    A knock at the door startled her as she threw another clump of clothing into the suitcase.  It was him .  Standing in the doorway of her cabin, looking good enough to eat.
    “All packed?” he asked. 
    She could see his eyes were wet, and he was trying not to react to her standing around in her undergarments. 
    He stepped toward her and lifted her chin.  “Have you been crying?”
    She sniffed.  “Maybe a little.”
    “Me, too,” he whispered. “I don’t want you to go.”
    “I can’t stay here and interfere with your work, Sean.  It’s too important.  Plus, this was only meant to be temporary.  Your permanent counselor will be arriving soon.  You and the campers won’t need me anymore.”
    He took her by the shoulders.  “Won’t need you? The campers adore you.  They trust you.  Our beautiful butterfly, Skyler, has finally spread her wings under your guidance and counseling.  The others are coming into themselves as well.  I think switching up counselors will do them more harm than good.  Don’t you?”
    She smiled sadly.  He had talked a lot about how her leaving would affect the campers, but nothing about what it would do to him.  Nothing outside a few obligatory tears.  She was crazy to think a big girl like her could land Prince Charming.  Yes, he had taken pleasure in her body.  But when it came to settling down, he probably wanted a wife with a perfect size-four figure, not a woman four sizes bigger than that.  “With you at the helm, these kids can adjust to anything.”
    “Maybe they could. But, damn it, I can’t! I want you to stay, Blythe.”
    “For the rest of the summer as your camp counselor?”
    “No.  For the rest of your life as my wife,” he said, dropping to one knee.
    Her hands flew to her mouth.  “Are you asking me to marry you, Sergeant Warrington?”
    He shook his head, jumping to his feet.  “Hell no.  I’m telling you.  Blythe Dalton, you will marry me.  We will be happy and run Camp Semper Fi together.  Is that understood, woman?”
    “Sir, yes, sir!” she yelled, laughing and throwing her arms around his neck.
    He kissed her passionately and then stepped back, putting a little distance between them.  With a stern look on his face, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a shiny, one-carrot princess-cut diamond ring. 
    Blythe nearly fainted.  It was the most gorgeous ring she had ever seen.  She loved it!  When she didn’t immediately reach for it, he frowned.  She didn’t want to ruin the moment, but she was afraid it wouldn’t fit.  Most rings were sized for women with slender fingers.  Even though her hands were delicate, her fingers were kind of short and chubby like the rest of her.
    Holding the ring out to her, in a sure, steady commanding voice, he said, “Put it on now .”
    Her hand trembled when she took it from his.  She dared to ask, “Wouldn’t it be more romantic if you put it on me?”
    “For most women it might.  But you want me to be forceful.  You want to be told.  Just like you want me to order you to spread those pretty legs when I eat your pussy.  Now put that ring on your gorgeous finger.  I won’t tell you again.”
    Taking a deep breath, she held the diamond to the tip of the ring finger of her left hand.  Shaking, she slid it down to the first knuckle.  Then slowly, painstakingly to the second.  Unbelievably, it slipped smoothly and easily down to the base of her finger.  It was a perfect fit!
    Sean took her hand and studied the lovely diamond he had

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