Honeybun Hottie (Plus Size Romance 5)
a couple of school girls.
    He shook his head.  “I know better than that, but I suppose a woman is entitled to one secret.”
    “Or two, big guy,” Shelly said, playfully punching him in the arm. 
    Sean grabbed Shelly before she could dodge him and gave her head a serious Dutch Rub.  Then he released her just as quickly and placed his hand possessively on the small of Blythe’s back.
    Shelly made a half-hearted attempt at smoothing her hair before hugging her bestie.
    “Okay, I’m out of here.  I’ve got a million things to do before school starts back.”  She looked down at her feet, fighting back tears.  “Bly, I sure am going to miss having lunch with you every day next year.”  
    Blythe starting misting up seconds before Sean’s two-way radio squeaked. 
    “Are you there, Sarge?”
    “Go ahead, Falk.”
    “The fax you were waiting on came through, sir.”
    “Wonderful.  Read it aloud, Private.”
    Shelly and Blythe gave each other a questioning look.
    “ We are pleased to inform you Camp Semper Fi has been approved for both a state and federal grant.  The amount of one million dollars has been deposited into an operational non-profit account.  Feel free to use these funds to hire full-time, year - round staff to assist in the running of your program.   Should I read the fine print at the bottom of the letter, sir?”
    “No, Private Falk.  That’ll be all.”
    Sean looked at the two most important women in his life—his sister from another mother and his fiancée. 
    “Well, Shelly Bellybutton, what do you say? Camp Semper Fi sure could use a good arts and crafts coordinator. And, I have a sneaky suspicion my bride-to-be would love having her bestie living two cabins down.”
    Shelly beamed.  “I’d love to accept your offer, big guy, but I kind of have a prior commitment.”
    He huffed in exasperation.  “You mean Potato Peeler and his Thai gig?”
    “As a matter of fact, yes.”
    “When Private Kean came to me a few minutes ago, saying he no longer wanted to be a marine, I knew that was bullshit.  He’s a little green yet, but he’s a damn fine soldier.  The only reason he wanted to leave his post here was to be with you.”
    Shelly’s eyes bulged in disbelief.  “He was giving up his military career for little old me?”
    “I sure was.” Kean’s high-pitched voice broke in on the two-way radio.  “Sorry to interrupt, Sarge.”
    “No problem.”
    “Sir, can you please send my woman to the mess hall? We have a shit load of potatoes to peel.”
    “Sure thing, Private.”
    Sean and Blythe burst out laughing.  Shelly broke into a run, yelling back over her shoulder, “KP duty never felt so good!”
    BLYTHE LOOKED ADORINGLY AT Sean.  “Thank you for finding a way to keep us all together.  You truly are the best man I’ve ever known,” she said, caressing his face.
    She watched him slowly take a pair of silk scarves from his right pants pocket.  They were identical to the ones on the cover of her romance novel.  Without having to be told, she held out her hands. 
    He bound her wrists together.
    Her pulse jumped and her cunt clenched. 
    From the left pocket he pulled out a blindfold and slipped it over her eyes.  Then he scooped her up in his arms and whispered in her ear, “And the best damn marine, too.  Are you ready to play, Miss Dalton?”
    “Copy that, Sergeant Warrington.  Copy that.”
    A Perfect Match
    Jaslyn Scarpa is chronically cheerful.  She believes in hope and happiness and brighter tomorrows.  Along with being a talented, versatile, hardworking temp, Jaslyn is also a self-proclaimed “grouch whisperer.”  Winning over the grumpy people in this world is her forté.  Or, at least, she thinks it is until she meets the tall, dark—so dangerously dark—moody and sexy Rhein Birkner.  The excruciating emotional pain reflected in his intensely piercing eyes tears at her heart.  No matter how

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