Hunting the Huntress

Hunting the Huntress by Ember Case Page A

Book: Hunting the Huntress by Ember Case Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ember Case
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, shapeshifter
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steady on hers.
    Staring into his eyes, she felt the first buds of acceptance come to life within her.
    She smiled at him, admiring him in his scarred perfection. Reflected in his eyes she could see herself, held tight by the muscled arms of the warrior behind her. Her heart beat fast in her chest, filled with a joy she’d never thought to know.
    She held her hand out to him in invitation, surprised at its steadiness when she faced such a momentous decision. But then in her heart, she was sure. “You have certainly been pleasing my body. Now it’s time for you to please my spirit as well. Let us mate.”
    Tate’s roar of satisfaction filled the air. Nilana laughed, knowing the lodges near them would certainly have heard the sound and known the reason. With a smile for Cheveyo, she pulled him down by her side. He came to her willingly, eagerly, his lips latching onto first one dusky nipple then the other with a deep groan of hunger. Her back arched as arrows of heat ran through her veins.
    Turning to Tate, she met his mouth with hers. His tongue entered her hungrily, and she leaned into his kiss. His cock pressed against her hip, and she wiggled teasingly against him.

    In her spirit, she felt her cougar begin to stir. Her totem wanted this with a hunger that rapidly spread to consume her body. A welcoming dampness grew between her thighs.
    She needed them. Needed them both, her warrior and shaman. She moaned into Tate’s mouth and rolled to follow him to the ground. Twisting his hips, he settled on his back and pulled her over his shaft. His musk rolled off his skin now in waves, and she wanted to wallow against him until her body was marked with his scent. His large hands cupped her breasts, fingers massaging the nipples into tight points of fiery pleasure.
    Cheveyo licked her neck, sucking the sensitive flesh into his teeth and biting gently.
    Releasing her, he moved down her back to lick gently at the curve of her hips and backside. His lips left a trail of fire down the cleft of her buttocks.
    His hand moved between her thighs, and a pleased sigh came from him at the moisture he found there. His fingers dipped into her channel and pulled a gasp from her with the thrust of one finger deep inside her. Stroking deeply, he allowed her dew to coat him heavily. Then a finger was there at the rosebud of her ass, pressing firmly past the tight outer ring.
    Nilana gasped, arching her body away from him. Not in denial, but in shock at the unknown pressure. Tate had paused expectantly beneath her, waiting at the entrance of her core. Now he surged forward, using her instinctive movements to work his way deep inside her heat with a single thrust. And there she poised, balanced on the pinnacle of pleasure, with delight stroking hot across her core.
    She whimpered, hanging still and motionless between them. Then she felt the spirit inside her spring to life and began to move with the desires of her beast.
    Leaning forward into Tate’s hands, she lowered her chest to press against his. Her bottom was thrust high in the air, clearly offering her submission to their demands. The cock that filled her began to move, and she reveled in the sensation of her flesh stretching to adapt to the thickness within. “Ride with me, Wildcat. Let our spirits show you what pleasure we can find together.” Tate urged her into sensuous motion atop him, while he thrust into her deeply.

    The burning pressure behind her grew, and she felt the stretching as a second finger joined the first. Finally a third, and she began to moan low in her throat. Her hips rose and fell. Each rise took her into the sweet, burning pain behind her. Each fall onto Tate’s hardness raked her across the edge of ecstasy as nerve endings inside she’d not known existed were treated to a fiery pleasure.
    Cheveyo groaned as he at last allowed his control to break. His cougar came forth in a growl of demand, and she felt him move to cover her. His front curved around

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