Hunting the Huntress

Hunting the Huntress by Ember Case Page B

Book: Hunting the Huntress by Ember Case Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ember Case
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, shapeshifter
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her back as he positioned the broad head of his cock against her buttocks, and pushed.
    Nilana experienced the huge pressure, but this time she was ready. She pushed out eagerly, welcoming the harsh fire of his entry, letting his thrust fill her at the moment she settled fully into the rigid staff that filled her womb. Their double penetration strummed across her body in a wave of consuming pleasure. Tate’s knees rose, and he began a rapid thrusting that kept her in a state of constant movement as he pushed her up, then allowed the weight of Cheveyo to force her back down. Burning ever higher, she felt the pull of climax as it raced towards her.
    As she screamed out her pleasure, she heard her lovers growl their possession in return. She felt the beginnings of a piercing pain , as the two cocks that filled her began to develop the barbs that would bind them through the mating. Every nerve screamed to life while her body adapted, agony mixed with an ecstasy she’d never dreamed existed.
    Eagerly she embraced both the pain and pleasure of the physical binding that would echo the spiritual bond of their mating.
    Throwing back her head, she caught sight of the moon through the smoke hole as it spun across the heavens. With a final growl, she released her cougar and let it possess her body, eager to merge her spirit with those of her chosen mates. Tate roared beneath her.
    His eyes clenched shut, then opened to stare at her with the slitted eyes of his cougar.
    Midnight black, they captured her in their commanding gaze. His hand lifted to stroke her core, circling the bud that ached for his touch. Once, twice he rubbed before she exploded in release against him, feeling her cougar scream a welcome along the tie that bound their spirits.

    Nilana bucked wildly as the climax swept through her. She felt Cheveyo’s teeth close around her neck again, holding her tightly between strong jaws. Then his spirit swept into her as well, and the three beasts came together in a rush of sensation that scorched her to her soul.
    Their minds joined together with their spirits, and she felt the bond growing stronger.
    She wallowed in the glorious and intoxicating joy of the moment, the dark, carnal delight they shared from their mating. Their minds began to race in tandem, thought and feeling springing from one to another until there was no telling where her body stopped and her spirit began. Every moment of their ecstasy became hers, driving her up higher until she could swear she touched the sky itself.
    Great Spirit, what did I ever do to deserve this? She couldn’t tell where the thought came from or whose heart had first felt it. She only knew it was now a feeling that lived and grew in all three of them. Every breath deepened their bond until she thought she sensed eternity down the long link, a melding with no beginning and no end, only the certainty of forever.
    As one, the men tensed, swelling inside her. Front and back, their bodies tied to hers in a physical joining that would hold them locked together. She felt the orgasms sweep their bodies, and her body began to quiver in response. On and on it went, her passages clenching as her body milked the fluids from their shafts.
    “Wildcat.” Tate’s mouth found hers with a soul-searing kiss. Thoroughly, lingeringly he possessed her, claiming the right to bind her to him for eternity.
    She pulled away at last and turned her head to meet the gaze of Cheveyo. She was not surprised to see his eyes had taken their animal shape, deep green gems that glittered with satisfaction. His tongue was more demanding as he staked his equal claim, warring with her until she sighed her submission.
    We found you.
    Nilana heard the words come through the bond, two very satisfied male voices speaking as one. The warmth of their love filled her.

    She knew she had found not one, but two men to call her own. Men who would never ask her to be what she was not, and who treasured her for what she was.

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