Indecent Intent
do no more than what we are ordered to do.’ She moved to the chair and patted it in invitation. ‘Sit here,’ she continued, ‘and place your legs in the stirrups.’
    Gabrielle, determined to be obedient and brave, sensing it would help her time under the ownership of Marshall Verity, did as she was told and slipped elegantly onto the chair, and then lifted her ankles into the stirrups. Susan strapped them tightly and then did the same with Gabrielle’s wrists, securing them to the padded black arms of the apparatus. Then her head was positioned on the waiting rest and the leather straps there secured firmly around her forehead, and she was effectively pinned, unable to move.
    â€˜Have you ever had your sex shaved before?’ asked Susan, smoothly and proficiently adjusting the chair until Gabrielle was almost reclining fully back.
    Gabrielle shook her head fractionally, just as much as the straps would allow.
    â€˜You’ll find it makes you very sensitive,’ Susan went on, with a little knowing glimmer in her eye.
    With her ankles locked in the stirrups Gabrielle felt extremely open and vulnerable, aware that her plump sex lips were parted to reveal her flushed inner flesh and the erect bud that nestled there. Susan gazed down at her bound possession for long silent moments, and then roused herself and took a razor from the utensil trolley that stood beside her, offering a wide variety of instruments for her usage, most of which Gabrielle could see from the corner of her eye and which made her cringe inside.
    â€˜You have an extremely inviting clitoris,’ the girl remarked, and Gabrielle blushed deeply at such an intimate and bizarre observation. ‘Extremely inviting…’
    Gabrielle’s cheeks darkening with embarrassment, she closed her eyes, as if this would shut out the humiliation she felt. Then a fingertip touched the sensitive peak of her clitoris and slid back and forth, the cultured touch quickly bringing her so close to a climax, but as suddenly as the titillation began, it stopped.
    A soft slopping sound reached Gabrielle’s ears and she opened her eyes to see what was happening, feeling strangely empty after being teased so. Susan held a stainless steel bowl and a shaving brush.
    â€˜You must keep very still,’ she said. ‘Very still indeed.’
    Such was the hold of the chair, how could Gabrielle do anything else?
    The shaving foam felt warm and comforting as it was gently applied, and Gabrielle began to relax and enjoy the feel of it on her hot flesh. Once satisfied her charge was liberally and efficiently coated, Susan placed the bowl back upon the utensil trolley and picked up a razor.
    â€˜You’re doing very well,’ said Susan. ‘Now remain as still as possible while I…’
    The touch of the razor was as light as the touch of a feather and Gabrielle began to relax again, gradually beginning to really enjoy the intimate attention. But Susan was extremely efficient, soon the task was complete, and warm water rinsed the remains of the foam from her, and Susan was especially gentle when she patted her dry. She was right, Gabrielle realised; it did seem to make her very sensitive. Even the soft white towel being patted gently between her legs and over the denuded skin made her feel breathlessly aroused.
    â€˜Would you like to see what your sex looks like now?’ asked Susan.
    Gabrielle felt confused, unsure how to react to the question, but the choice was taken from her as Susan held a mirror between her parted thighs.
    â€˜I love to see a freshly shaved girl,’ the blonde breathed huskily. ‘What do you think of my handiwork?’
    Gabrielle knew she was blushing still, but looked in the mirror and gasped at the nakedness she saw there. The flesh of her mound was very pale and looked plumper than usual. The outer lips, too, seemed more swollen and much paler than she had ever seen them. By contrast the

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