Indecent Intent
inner lips were scarlet against the pale flesh. The little bud, too, was darkly flushed, prominent and proud. It seemed to be asking to be petted.
    With her wrists and ankles still tightly secured, Gabrielle remained helpless. ‘Will you please release me now?’ she asked tentatively, not wanting to comment on the question.
    Susan moved gracefully round and stood between the stirrups. ‘Why?’ she asked. ‘Are you not enjoying all the attention I’m heaping upon you?’
    â€˜No,’ Gabrielle answered timidly, ‘it isn’t that…’ but the words caught in her throat as she sighed, the deft stroke of a finger making her shudder softly.
    â€˜You like a girl’s touch,’ Susan remarked confidently. ‘I could tell at the dinner table last night. So would you like to feel my tongue on your inviting little clitty while you’re so available to me?’
    Gabrielle closed her eyes. At that moment she didn’t have a clue what she wanted. What the girl was suggesting was shameful, yet she could not help but yearn for her to do it.
    â€˜You shouldn’t ignore me when I ask you a question,’ Susan said, and although the words were spoken softly, there was an unmistakable underlying threat to them.
    The fingers continued to tease, Gabrielle sensed movement – the slight whisper of clothing as the female moved – and then she inhaled sharply as a tongue eased into the moist opening of her sex. She felt it push into the softness of her, and sighed with wanton pleasure. A finger rhythmically and expertly rubbed the tip of her clitoris, inducing her hips to roll sensually on the partly reclined surgical chair. She moaned and strained in the grip of the restraints, pulling on the wrist straps and trying to lift her head.
    Susan looked up from her enjoyable task, her perfect features glossed with glistening juices beneath the stark overhead lighting. ‘Didn’t I tell you that shaving would make you more sensitive?’ she cooed. ‘No barrier, you see, to your pleasure zones… just smooth, silky flesh.’
    The lovely blonde then used her fingers and thumbs to spread Gabrielle further, making the bound girl yet more accessible to her wily tongue, and Gabrielle could not hold back the soft mewl of delight that escaped her slightly parted lips. The pleasure building in the pit of her tummy was almost unbearable; so intense it was almost a pain.
    â€˜I-I want to… to come,’ Gabrielle managed to mumble. ‘Please, I can’t bear it any more… I need to come… please …’
    Then at the most inopportune moment possible, as far as Gabrielle was concerned, the door opened and Susan instantly rose and moved away from her, patting her hair into place and smoothing down her clothing. Gabrielle felt her body stiffen in the restraints and she hovered agonizingly on the point of a shattering orgasm, and then slowly opened her eyes to see what the untimely interruption was.
    Marshall Verity was standing there, dressed in only a white toweling robe, the center’s motif stitched on the chest of it. Gabrielle knew she should be mortified for the man, still a virtual stranger despite what they’d been through in such a short space of time, to see her in such an immodest and provocative situation, but she wasn’t. He had engineered the whole scenario, she knew, and Tom had been prepared to sell his own wife to him, so why should she be coy about anything that happened? None of this was her doing.
    â€˜Leave us,’ he said to Susan, his eyes never leaving Gabrielle as he spoke, devouring the vulnerability and beauty of her.
    â€˜Whatever you say, master,’ the female said contritely, like a child who had been discovered doing something she should not have been doing, and lightly scolded as a consequence.
    â€˜And we’re not to be disturbed,’ he added as she left the room, nodding her understanding of

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