Into Her Life: (The Complete Taboo Story of Forbidden Love)

Into Her Life: (The Complete Taboo Story of Forbidden Love) by Jill Soffalot

Book: Into Her Life: (The Complete Taboo Story of Forbidden Love) by Jill Soffalot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Soffalot
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"Of course. You guys are really good."
    He nodded. "Yeah, these guys are really pros. Actually I need to go catch up with them. You guys are going to hang out, right? I'll come find you in a couple minutes, okay?"
    He disappeared through the crowd and down the stairs after his temporary band. Stacey turned to Keryn. "How's your drink?"
    Keryn scowled. "What was with that hug?"
    "What?" Stacey shrugged. "I was being friendly. Should I not hug him? Is he off limits for hugs?"
    "No," Keryn said. "That... just surprised me I guess." She could feel herself blushing.
    "Oh my God," Stacey gushed, "are you getting all protective of your little brother? Holy shit, Keryn, he's not in middle school. He's already had sex and stuff. You know that, right?"
    "I know!" Keryn snapped. "Augh! I'm fine! Hug him all you want!"
    "No, no," Stacey said. "Forget it. Let's go get drinks." They started making their way through the crowd up to the bar. "But you totally looked jealous just now."
    "Shut up," Keryn told her teasing friend, slapping her on the shoulder.
    When they had their drinks, they headed back near the stage. C.J. came and found them, holding a bottle of beer. "Are you guys having any fun? I don't know if this is the type of place where you usually hang out."
    "It's cool," Keryn said. "We're having a good time watching you."
    He smiled at her and she almost wanted to run and hide. It was so strange, but her crush on him was so intense that she felt like a school girl around him.
    The other players climbed up on the stage, and C.J. turned to look at them. "Okay, back to work," he said. He climbed back on stage and set his beer down on his amp. The players all got ready, and soon launched into "Mustang Sally."
    The girls stood and watched as the band played on and on. The rhythm guitar player was also the singer, and he screamed and sang his way through a battery of old songs with the rest of the band blasting along with him. It was all high energy, and the room was alive. C.J. was having a great time, shaking along with the beat of each song, stroking the strings of his guitar, and smiling and laughing along with the other players.
    Stacey was getting tired, and soon she was hanging on Keryn's arm. The band played on, but the heavy drinking the girl's had done the night before was catching up on Stacey. They danced, but Stacey could do little more than sway, yawning despite the loud music. "I'm going to go to the washroom," she said to Keryn, shouting in her ear to make herself heard over the band.
    Stacey moved off through the crowd and suddenly Keryn found herself dancing alone in front of C.J., who was looking down at her. Keryn started rocking her shoulders to the rhythm of the song, swaying back and forth, letting her body flow with the music.
    She slid closer to the stage and kept dancing, loosening up. The drinks and the music were getting to her, and just as she did when she performed her yoga routines in front of him each morning, she began to show off, dancing the way she did in the bars to impress men she wanted to fuck.
    Her dress was tight and so was her physique. She let herself go, swinging her head to the beat, and running her hands down her body, knowing that once again she was crossing those lines, behaving inappropriately, putting herself forward sexually for her brother. Why couldn't she stop? What was wrong with her?
    C.J. watched her, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth. He played, rocking his hips, playing up to the songs, responding to her as she danced, showing off for her, trying to look sexy for her. It was a bizarre exchange, with the two of them trying to seduce each other in the crowded bar.
    There was a tiny buzzing in her head telling her it was wrong, but the excitement in her tummy told her she should keep going. Her nipples were hard. She could feel them in her bra. She felt like she was behind the wheel of a car with too many drinks in her. What she was about to do was dangerous and could only

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