    “Okay, sure.” Matthew agreed.
    Blake pulled herself out of the water. As far
as looking good in a swimsuit, I was no match for her. Her tiny
bikini showed off all of her assets and was designed for someone
extremely confident about her own body. Her flat stomach was
accentuated by a delicate tattoo of sunflowers that circled her
navel. Her belly button was pierced, speared with a long metallic
blue spiral. She gave no attention to the fact that she stood in a
state of partial undress. As she walked past her brother, she
reached down and smacked him on the back of the head. She collected
her towel and stood on the deck, obviously waiting for me to exit
the hot tub and follow her inside.
    I followed suit, except for the violence of
course. I wrapped my towel tightly around my shoulders.
    We left Matthew outside to tend to closing up
the hot tub. Apparently this wasn’t an issue, even though I felt
guilty about it. He acted like it was no big deal. By the time we
crossed the deck to the sliding glass door, he had already gotten
out and was working on putting the cover on. I threw a glance over
my shoulder, wondering if I was just reading too much into his
    Blake didn’t seem to think so. “I’m sorry
about that,” she hissed as she opened the door and we walked
    I shrugged. “It’s not a problem.”
    “Your relationship is none of his business.
Especially when he just met you. I mean, your poor boyfriend isn’t
here to defend himself and my brother’s already passing
    “I’m not offended. It’s okay.”
    “Whatever. Don’t let him get away with that
crap just because he’s hot.”
    I blushed.
    She laughed. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you
checking him out.”
    “It was that obvious?”
    “Don’t worry; you were discreet. And your
secret’s safe with me.”
    We parted ways to go to our respective
bathrooms to get ready. Blake had indicated that the restaurant was
casual, so I’d be okay wearing jeans. I breathed a sigh of relief.
Fancy dining wasn’t really my thing. Besides, I didn’t have
anything suitable to wear for a five-star establishment.
    I showered quickly, relishing the superior
water pressure. Within half an hour, I had dressed and done full
hair and makeup. Much more impressive than my appearance had been
this afternoon. Not that it mattered, right?
    I had a boyfriend. Eric was my boyfriend. I
repeated the mantra in my head, over and over.
    Sure, it was fun to look, but nothing would
ever come of this.
    Blake wasn’t yet ready, so I plopped down on
the couch in the living room to wait. She appeared just a couple
minutes later, beautiful as always.
    “Ready to go?” she asked. “I’ll drive.”
    We piled into her Miata and drove off. It was
the perfect opportunity for me to do a little sightseeing and
familiarize myself with my new home. We passed the onramps for the
interstate and continued towards downtown. The restaurant wasn’t
too far away, possibly a ten minute drive. Blake scanned the
parking lot for the Mustang. Not finding it there yet, she pulled
the tiny convertible into a spot fairly far from the entrance. The
place looked busy.
    For the second time that day, I heard the car
before I saw it. Matthew parked right beside us. I moved to get out
of the car, my hand on the lever to open the passenger door. He
beat me to it, exiting his own car and opening my door in one slick
gesture. Taken aback, I stared up into his deep blue eyes. He held
out his hand to help me out. I accepted, again feeling the
electricity between us.
    “Hey, gorgeous,” he greeted.
    At first, I assumed that his comment was
directed to his sister. However, he was looking directly at me. If
I wasn’t red already, I most certainly was now.
    I stood there awkwardly, frozen. He reached
behind me to close my car door when I made no move to. His arm
brushed my shoulder as he did so. I breathed in his nearness. He
smelled of nothing that would normally be remarkable,

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