It Really IS a Wonderful Life: The Snowflake Falls but Hearts in Love Keep a Home Warm All Year Long
    Josh cocked his head to one side as he eyed Gabe. “What’s he doing here?”
    “ He is Dr. Wellington to you. And he stopped by to see how you were doing.”
    Josh tossed his army cap onto the couch. “Hi, Dr. Wellington. I’m fine. How are you?”
    Throwing a wink in Dorie’s direction, Gabe gave Josh a manly handshake. “I’m fine too, Josh. Thanks for asking.”
    Like Old Faithful, Emma gushed with newfound tears. “Mr. Bear is going to get sick, Mommy. He’s soaking wet.”
    Dorie put on a serious face. “Why don’t I wrap him in a blanket, and he can warm up while you get into your pajamas? Okay?”
    While Dorie wrenched Mr. Bear from Emma’s cold hands, she caught her mother’s questioning look. “Hello, Gabe. I’m surprised to see you here.”
    “Good to see you, Felicia. I stopped by to check on Josh.”
    “I see.” Mom kept her coat on and faced the kitchen. “I probably should have called as you asked. The party ended early because of the nasty weather. I thought you’d be reading, but I see you’re otherwise occupied. I’ll make the hot chocolate.” Mom, the epitome of hospitality, pushed an attitude as cold as the outdoors.
    “Mom, you must be tired. Why don’t I make the hot chocolate while you and Gabe talk golf. Gabe, would you like a cup?”
    Mom folded her arms.
    Gabe cast his eyes downward. “That’s okay. I need to go. I have early rounds at the hospital. So I’ll see you at rehearsal tomorrow, Dorie?”
    “Yes. I expect so.”
    “Are we still on for donuts after?”
    “Yeah, sure. Mom, can the kids stay overnight with you? I’ll be late getting back.”
    Against all possibility, Mom’s tone dipped ten more degrees. “Not a problem.”
    Gabe smiled as he turned to Dorie. “It’s a date.”
    Once Gabe was out the door, Mom reached for her coat. “I’ll be going too, dear, if you can manage without me.”
    “No, you don’t! I’ve never seen you be rude to anyone before. You treated Gabe like an intruder. I want to know why.”
    Dorie helped the children off with their coats and Mom plopped onto the recliner, gazing toward the window and hugging her purse.
    “Josh, Emma. Upstairs and into your pajamas. I’ll make the hot chocolate in a few minutes.”
    When the children were out of earshot, Dorie sat on the couch. “Mom, don’t you like Gabe? I thought you golfed with his parents.”
    “Liking him has nothing to do with this, dear. Of course Ilike Gabe Wellington. He’s an excellent physician and an amiable golf companion when he fills in for his father.”
    “Then what is it?”
    “I don’t think you should get involved with him.”
    Involved?When had she become involved with anyone, let alone Gabe Wellington ? “I’m not involved. We talked, that is all.”
    “He likes you, Dorie. A mother can tell these things. He looks at you like a kid who eyes a chocolate cake.”
    “I thought you wanted me to find male companionship.”
    “I wholeheartedly agree with that. But Gabe is …”
    “Say it.”
    “All right. Gabe is unreliable.”
    “Unreliable? He’s a doctor. A surgeon I might add.”
    Mom sighed. “I don’t mean he isn’t responsible. He’s unreliable as a husband.”
    “Aren’t you jumping ahead a little fast?”
    “No, I’m not. His mother says he rarely dates the same girl more than a few times, and he’s had only one serious relationship that she’s aware of. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
    “And that’s all?”
    “Isn’t that enough? Remember prom night with Lenny Michaels? You almost dropped out of school.”
    Why did Mom have to bring up that hateful memory? Dorie fumed with the recollection. “I never met a girl yet who had a flawless prom night. So Lenny dumped me for another girl. That doesn’t mean Gabe will. Besides, I was seventeen then. I’m a grown woman now.”
    Mom found a tissue and blew her nose. Were those tears, or had the snow begun to melt from her eyebrows? “I hope you know what

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