Judgement Day
buy new Bibles. I’d have a Bible for a while,
and I’d go through all the prophetic verses underlining prophecies
relevant to myself. It would get to the point where half of the prophetic books were
underlined, then I’d come to my senses and have to throw it out.
The new Bible would last a little while, but soon enough I’d be at
it again, underlining prophecies all over the place.
    This was when
Katie moved to America. Katie got accepted into this intensive
Bible course in Colorado called 24/7. I was pretty sad to see her
go, Katie was my only friend in the house really. Mum and Ken were
both pretty shit to me, but Katie was always nice. I picked on her
a lot when I was little, but as we got older we became closer, it
was very hard for me when she left. I would send her emails while
she was in Colorado, but I always wrote this angry shit. I would
take offence at anything she said, even if she wasn’t being mean,
which she never was. I had a very angry brain at the time. I was
alright talking, but when I wrote my brain was someone else and he
was really angry and all of this horrible stuff would come out. In
the end I told her I can’t send her any more emails, and that we
have to just talk on the phone. I couldn’t control my brain, but
when I spoke I was myself.
    I’m still like
that really, I don’t mean angry, but different when I write.
There’s a lot of stuff in this book that I would never say out
loud. This part, my story, this is written by me, but when I get
into the Judgement Day stuff, I honestly don’t know who writes
that. I don’t know where my theory of SpaceFluidity comes from
either. I’m a pretty simple guy, I go to work, I drink beer, I hang
out with friends, but I live one life in the real world, and
another life in, I don’t know, some other place that I don’t know
if it’s real or not.
    Anyway, after
about a year and a half of being on these heavy drugs, the nurse
refused to give me any more injections because I was grinding my
teeth too much and she was worried it was going to become a
permanent side effect. Too late though, because I still grind my
teeth to this day. So I changed onto this stuff called Seroquel
(300mg). It was one of the greatest things that had ever happened.
Suddenly I didn’t have to sleep all day! I started working more,
and I was happier. I had thought that I was ruined, that my life
was over, that my brain was screwed and I’d never get out of bed
and back to work. Dr Pusic had told me that the drugs weren’t
sedating, so I believed that my brain was just ruined, that I was
ruined, that I would be a drooling vegetable forever, but I was
alive! Words cannot describe to you how amazing it felt to be out
of bed! This was a huge turning point in my life.
    One day I won
about $1000 playing poker machines at the pub. Mum took the money
off me and put it in an envelope. The next day I grabbed $300 and
took it to the pub and lost it. Mum was really angry, she threw the
rest of the money at me and told me to move out and use the money
for bond. I took that money to the pub and I lost it all. So I had
to move out, but then I had no money for bond.
    Luckily some
friends from church said I could stay with them until I saved up
enough money for my bond. They lived in Warrimoo in the lower Blue
Mountains, I stayed a few weeks until I had enough money saved. I
answered an ad in the paper for a guy named Tony who had a room in
Warrimoo, he just so happened to be the same guy Tim lived with
when he first moved out of home, and he let me move in, probably
because I was friends with Tim. Tony was this divorced guy who
worked for Telstra, he needed housemates to help cover his
mortgage. Another guy moved in soon after me, a guy named Pat.
    It was good
living with those guys, it was the first time I didn’t have to
follow my mum’s rules. It was awesome, I had freedom! I liked that
I worked nights, I would see Tony and Pat for a few hours in the
afternoons, then I would go to

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