Just You

Just You by Jane Lark

Book: Just You by Jane Lark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Lark
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probably stop out. I’ll be back to walk Dillon to school.” I didn’t wait to hear her answer. I headed to the door and went out, pulling it shut behind me with a click, careful not to wake the others.
    Portia’s family were non-existent, mine were the opposite–smothering.
    I texted Mom when I got off the subway near Portia’s. ‘Here, safe, you can go to sleep now. See you tomorrow.’ I switched my cell off then. I didn’t want to read a barrage of texts asking who I was with. I wouldn’t have answered anyway.
    The subway had been quiet, and the streets were too; just a few drunk people about, on their way home from clubs, and a few homeless people curling up under blankets in the alleyways. That was a shit way to live, it was freezing tonight. I pulled the collar of my coat up, and got some suspicious looks off people.
    Was walking alone after midnight that odd?
    Only if you were black! If you were black, then you must be up to no good.
    When I reached Portia’s, I pressed the buzzer for her room and leaned closer to the intercom. “Hey.”
    “Hey,” she answered. “Come up.” The lock clicked. I pushed the door open, my heart pounding out another base beat. She was leaning over the banister when I looked up. A tremor slid through my belly all the way down to the tip of my cock. Shit. She was in a vest top again, and she had no bra on, the cotton clung. And she wore loose pajama bottoms with it; that could be pulled down in a second.
    Shit. I had a semi just looking at her.
    Her loosely plaited hair slid around on her shoulder as she lifted a hand to say hi. Her hair looked like it was just waiting for my fingers to unravel it.
    She looked awesome–edible.
    When I caught sight of Justin, something hungry and desperate spun like a coin in my belly and then rolled quickly in a spiral, descending to a sweet ache between my legs.
    I’d been lonely, and thinking about yesterday, all day. Literally every moment there had been some image of him haunting me. But it was a good ghost, it had felt really nice having Justin around. He hadn’t done anything sleazy, I was even gloating about when we’d kissed. He could have gone all the way and he hadn’t.
    Tonight I wanted to. I was so pissed off with being alone and a heated need had been humming in my veins all day, the fire he’d started yesterday, smoldering.
    When he got to the top of the stairs and stopped in front of me, smiling, I lifted my arms and rested them on his shoulders, pressing against him as I kissed him hard. Saying without words, go on fuck me .
    He kissed me hard too, walking me backwards toward my door, like he wasn’t even going to wait until we got on the bed. Inside he kicked the door shut with his heal and pressed me back against the counter where my kettle and stuff were, and his cold hand slipped under my vest top and cupped by breast kneading it; the heel of his palm pressing into me, as his thumb brushed back and forth over my nipple.
    There was a ridge in his pants that said my hunger was equal to his.
    In a moment, my top was over my head and gone. I unzipped his coat and he shrugged it off, but he didn’t give me chance to get his top off, he was kissing me again, both his hands on my breasts. I flicked his buckle loose, unthreading his belt, then slipped two of his buttons free, and reached into his boxers, to stroke the column of hard flesh there.
    The guy had qualities, beyond his good looking abs, and his kindness yesterday.
    His fingers pulled loose the bow tying my pajama bottoms and then his thumbs slid them over my hips. They dropped to the floor in a whisper of material. A moment later his hands gripped my thighs, lifting me up.
    I held his neck.
    His dark eyes glinted in the moonlight pouring through the skylight into my room, shining with heat and hunger. He’d come all the way over here for this. He’d come because I’d asked him.
    I pushed his pants off his hips. My fingers were shaking.
    He was still dressed,

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