Just You

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Book: Just You by Jane Lark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Lark
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loads of guys dangling from leashes you kept on every finger.” He was back beside me. I slapped his arm. He just smiled. “Well you’re beautiful, Portia, and you were chasing after Jason, and eyeing up Mr. Rees…”
    “I do not eye up Mr. Rees.”
    “Don’t tell me you haven’t been busy calculating possibilities…”
    “Not like you think.”
    “Well anyway…” Justin slipped between my legs again, “I don’t want to talk about anyone else, or work, when I’ve got you naked.”
    “Are you worried about me?” I offered. He’d given me his history.
    “Should I be?”
    “No, I’ve only had one boyfriend. We were together for three years. We split up before I came to New York. He was my first, and I was his, so, you’re safe.”
    His free hand lifted and his fingers brushed back my hair. “Sorry.”
    “For what?”
    “I got you all wrong. I’ve been judging you by your rich-club voice. That isn’t who you are. That’s just what you sound like.”
    I smiled.
    “Who broke up with who?” he asked.
    “I ended it, I wanted more. I didn’t want to be my Mom. Mrs. Perfect, with a perfect house and a perfect life. I’m not like my parents. I’d have been bored …  And he was so convinced I should think him perfect. He’s from their world. His family are members of Dad’s club in California.”
    “His club?”
    “He doesn’t own it. It’s like a golf and sports club, where people like my parents hang out. Like you said, a club for the rich.”
    His brow furrowed. “Are you really not like them? Have I been judging you by your parents’ money too?”
    His words cut. That was an insult. I pointed at the room and then looked back at him. “Do I look like I am?” Irritation bristled in my nerves, cold anger as old conversations with my ex and my parents flew through my head.
    He smiled.
    I made a face at him. “I was brought up to speak well, it doesn’t mean I treat the world like a playground, and other people like toys…”
    “I wasn’t accusing you, just saying… It’s just, at work, you’re different. And sorry, Portia, but you do come across arrogant, a little, and untouchable–a lot.” Both his hands came up and gripped my head, his palms pressing against my cheeks as he looked into my eyes. “But it’s probably because you’ve been on your own too long. I get you now–and you’re not like that.”
    Anger still hummed in my head anyway.
    He kissed me, brushing his lips over mine, again and again, sending my temperature soaring and my temper out the door.
    My fingers gripped his hard buttocks and a sharp, nice, pain caught in my belly.
    His fingers slipped under my thighs as he broke the kiss and whispered, “Why don’t we get our money’s worth out of that morning-after pill?”
    That twisted an even sharper spasm in my belly.
    He picked me up and my legs gripped about his waist as my arms clung around his neck. He turned and carried me to the bed.
    I should be annoyed with him still, for calling me arrogant, but with his skin brushing against mine, and a prominent promise pressing between us, why the hell be angry?
    He dropped me, kneeling over me, and I bounced onto the mattress, laughing. Then he straightened up and stripped off his pants, boots and socks.
    The muscle in his legs and buttocks shifted under his glistening skin as the moonlight from the skylight painted him, and when he turned, his erection bounced, several inches of flesh pointing at me as he came down onto the bed…

Chapter Five
    When Justin walked into the office, his hands were buried in the pockets of his Parka coat. He glanced at me, and as he did, he threw me a smile. I smiled too. He’d left my room at five a.m., after we’d had a second round and then fallen asleep for a little while. He’d gone home to take his brother to school, so his mom could go to work.
    A few minutes after he’d sat down at his desk I got an email. ‘Did you get your pill?’
    ‘:-) Yeah.’

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