Knowing Me Knowing You
    Joel followed Larry back towards centre stage and took hold of Kate’s hand, smi ling at her. God he was so good- looking but the fact that he seemed to be revelling in this ridiculous game show was less than attractive.
    ‘ Welcome back Joel . D id you enjoy the Booth of Tranquillity? ’ Larry asked him.
    ‘ Apart from the Chris De Burgh , ’ Joel answered.
    ‘ Good, good. R ight, Joel, let’s get straight down to business. The first question I asked Kate was - if Joel were a member of the cat family what would he be? Would he be A, a tiger, hot blooded and always ready for action? B, a panther, silky, sleek and perfectly aligned or would he be C, a pussy cat, cute, cuddly and romantic, ’ Larry informed.
    ‘ God, that’s a tough question, it’s between two - um I’ll go for a tiger, ’ Joel spoke.
    ‘ THAT’S RIGHT!!!! Well done Kate, you have one Kissing Gate on the board. Let’s see if we can make it two. I asked Kate, if Joel were planning a night out for you both which of these nights would he be more inclined to organise? Would he choose A, a night out at the cinema, to watch something romantic , B, a night at the bowling, something fast paced to enjoy with friends or C, a night at the casino, something frivolous and exciting? ’
    Kate couldn’t look anywhere. She didn’t care about getting things right or wrong now she just cared about getting off the stage and going home. Well, heading home and stopping at Threshers for some Cape White .
    ‘ Probably all three but if I had to choose it would be A, the cinema, ’ Joel answered.
    ‘ Oh Joel! That isn’t a match, bad luck Kate. She said the casino, perhaps something to arrange in the future . I t seems she’s keen on spending your cash frivolously! OK, still only one Kissing Gate, right the final question - oh hang on , hang on, who is this? It’s the Love Dove! L et’s hear it for the Love Dove people, ’ Larry shouted into the microphone.
    Much to Kate’s utter disbelief the audience began singing and clapping to the tune of ‘When T he Saints Go Marching I n’ .

    Oh he’s our dove, so filled with lov e
    O h he’s our dove so filled with love
    His golden eggs could win you prizes
    Oh he’s our dove so filled with love
    She wanted to know exactly how many of the audience had had their drinks spiked. Alcohol alone could not account for the ridicu lous display of singing and arm- waving. It looked like they were all members of a pantomime chorus. She half expected thigh slapping and ‘He’s behind you’s ’.
    ‘ It’s the Love Dove everyone . H ey Lovey , does this mean that you’re going to lay one of your golden eggs for Kate and Joel? ’ Larry asked.
    The bird-suited individual nodded its head and then proceeded to simulate straining , like he was about to do a dump. He flapped his wings and screwed up his beak and then somehow, through the magic of camera work and a stagehand in black, a golden egg appeared on the floor under the Love Dove’s backside. He picked it up, nestled it in his wing and took it over to Larry.
    ‘ The Love Dove folks! Let’s hear it for the Love Dove! Thanks Lovey , off you go now for a li ttle lie down. R ight, now the way the Golden Egg b onus r ound works is that I will ask Kate the question hidden in Lovey’s egg which will be something about her and Kate must write down her answer on this board, ’ Larry explained.
    Still holding the egg, the presenter collected a clipboard and marker pen from stage left and handed it over to Kate.
    ‘ Then, when Kate is happy with her answer I’ll ask the question to Joel, he’ll answer it and if it’s a match yo u’ll get a hundred pounds and a bonus Kissing Gate on the board! ’ Larry spoke, encouraging the audience to get even more excited than they so obviously already were.
    Kate could just make out Miranda behind the myriad of cameras and lights pointing her way. She was smiling up at her, a sickeningly sweet smile of satisfaction.

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