Knowing Me Knowing You
No. ’
    ‘ Just kidding, right Kate, down to business . A re you ready? ’ Larry asked her.
    ‘ As I’ll ever be, ’ Kate replied, gritting her teeth.
    ‘ Good, right, this first question then for one Kissing Gate on the board. So, i f Joel were a member of the cat family what would he be? Would he be A, a tiger, hot blooded and always ready for action? B, a panther, silky, sleek and perfectly aligned or would he be C, a pussy cat - cute, cuddly and romantic. ’
    Kate didn’t know what to s ay. She just stood, almost open- mouthed, staring at Larry’s shiny suit that had started to make her eyes go funny. What sort of a question was that? It wasn’t racy, it wasn’t intimate and she was sure she would never have known the answer if she had been asked about any of her real boyfriends. What member of the cat family?!
    ‘ I’m going to have to hurry you for an answer Kate, I know it’s only been six weeks but surely you must have discussed which member of the cat family he would like to be, ’ Larry joked.
    ‘ You would think so wouldn’t you? ’ Kate said with the most false laugh she had ever performed.
    Larry looked at her, wondering what noise was going to escape her lips next. Her mouth suddenly felt very dry.
    ‘ Well, I don’t know really, I’ll have to guess I suppose. I’ll say A , ’ Kate blurted out.
    ‘ She said A, a tiger, hot blooded and always ready for action. I can just bet he is, ’ Larry said with a camp smile to camera.
    The audience laughed and Kate could feel the palms of her hands starting to sweat .
    ‘ OK, question two. If Joel were planning a night out for you both, which of these nights would he be more inclined to organise? Would he choose A, a night out at the cinema, to watch a rom com or perhaps B, a night at the bowling, something fast paced to enjoy with friends or C, a night at the casino, something frivolous and exciting, ’ Larry continued.
    All Kate could think of was how annoying Larry was and how impossible the questions were. She wasn’t sure she would have been able to answer them even with Matthew as her fellow contestant. He had hated the cinema; they’d never been bowling or had the kind of money you needed to visit a casino. He’d liked the odd go on t he slot machine at the pub but…
    ‘ I’m going to have to hurry you a little Kate. ’
    ‘ These questions are very hard, ’ Kate said, trying to wipe Matthew from her mind.
    ‘ I need an answer. ’
    ‘ C, ’ Kate said determinedly.
    ‘ That’s C, a night at the casino, something frivolous and exciting. Wow, a frivolous tiger is our Joel. OK and the final question is - Joel wants to try out a new position in the bedroom, and I don’t mean moving the furniture around here Kate. How does Joel “ tackle ” the issue? Does he A , sit you down and suggest spicing things up? Does he B, say nothing, things like that shouldn’t be discussed or does he C, throw you into the new position during lovemaking and see what happens? ’
    Kate’s cheeks were now on fire. All eyes, lights and lenses were on her and all she could look at was Joel in the booth with the shiny headphones on. What had her life come to? But more importantly , did he look like someone who would want a discussion about sexual positions or someone who would just go with the flow? She had no idea; she didn’t want to have any idea. This was wrong on so many levels. And why was she even worrying about getting the answer right? Who cared?
    ‘ Kate, do you want me to repeat the options for you? ’ Larry enquired , bringing Kate back to the realisation that she was stood on a stage being scrutinised.
    ‘ No, no don’t repeat them . U m C, I think, but well we have only been together six weeks, ’ Kate answered, dreading the outcome and the frailty of her knowledge of Joel being revealed to Miranda.
    ‘ Well done, that’s all done. C ome and join us Joel, ’ Larry spoke and he walked over to the booth, opened the door and let Joel

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