Little Miss and the Law
politely here and there to those who had evidently earned her favor. There were only women here, women of all shapes and sizes, but only women. Archer still had not looked back for Jake, she seemed to simply expect Jake to follow her as she made her way to a raised dais next to the bar. It was well furnished with large, deep couches, and although there were many people standing in the club, nobody had dared sit in the raised section.
    Archer tossed herself languidly onto the couch and flickered her eyes over at the bartender, a girl with a green spiked Mohican and piercings in her nipples connected by a chain. Immediately, she leaped into action preparing a drink. Jake dithered for a moment, suddenly feeling out of place and awkward. Archer pulled her down onto the couch by the back of her skirt and casually slid her hand down between Jake's thighs without so much as a by your leave, as her eyes roamed the room, not paying the slightest bit of attention to the young blonde next to her.
    “Easy mate!” Jake protested, making to move Archer's hand away, but all she got for her troubles was a light pinch of her lower thigh and a raised brow from Archer, who seemed genuinely surprised at her complaint.
    “Settle down, girl,” she said, her voice low and commanding. Contrary to her nature, Jake found herself surprised into silence as Archer's fingers made themselves at home against the delicate folds of her sex.
    With nothing left to do but watch the room, Jake realized finally that this was no ordinary lesbian bar. Yes, there was music and dancing, but there was an undercurrent that went beyond that. As she watched, she realized that across the floor, scenes of dominance and submission played out over and over again. Before Jake's eyes, she saw a pretty young brunette taken by her wavy hair and dragged off into a dark corner, where Jake could only see that her legs were splayed wide around the quickly thrusting hips of the tuxedo clad woman who had taken her. Hands groped and touched all over bodies that seemed to accept the touch no matter where it came from, and on the far side of the room a middle aged woman with bright red hair knelt before a chair and was used as a foot stool.
    Why had Archer thought that she would like this place? It was strange and not at all Jake's cup of tea.
    “Uh, Archer, Can I, I think I, I 'm not really, you know, is it alright if I go home?” she stammered.
    Archer laughed without so much as looking back at her. “You'll go home once I'm done with you. You've a lot to learn, Jake.”
    A tremor of fear ran through Jake. What had she gotten herself into? Mackenzie had been right, she should have stayed away from Archer. Well, she wasn't going to stay here waiting for Archer to allow her to go home.
    “Gotta pee,” she said, extricating herself from Archer's grip and making her way quickly across the dance floor to the flashing bathroom sign. More than a few heads turned to look as the little lithe blonde weaved her way through the crowd, and Jake squealed in outrage as a palm laid itself across her ass with a hearty slap. Finally, she escaped into the small, sleek bathroom and looked about for a way out.
    They were underground, so climbing out the window was not an option. Maybe if she just waited here a little, then slipped into the crowd as someone left? Yes. That would do.
    As more clubbers streamed into the bathroom, moaning with animal passion, Jake slipped out and secreted herself in the shadows, stunned by what went on all around her. Beside her, a broad woman gripped her girlfriend by the back of the neck, slipped up her skirt and began spanking her cheeks with hard slaps. Jake drew away with horror as the woman's bottom grew quickly pink, then red, as the cheeks jiggled along with the cries of pain.
    “Archer wants you,” a voice yelled into her ear from behind.
    Jake jumped around to see a woman with copious amounts of metal in

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