Little Miss and the Law
had called on the home line and asked her out that evening. Mackenzie was safely out of the way at dinner with Stephanie, so there was no way for her to stymie Jake's plans.
    It was dark out, and all around the street lights twinkled with the promise of this great new land. Jake's short blonde hair had been carefully straightened into a pretty sleek short bob and she wore a dark, flared skirt of such shortness that Mackenzie would most certainly not have approved. Underneath it, spider web stockings twirled about her slim thighs and calves, terminating in heavy black boots. She shivered in her light jacket, the hack and slash tank top that barely covered her did not do much to keep her warm. She hoped Archer would like the outfit.
    At the appointed hour, Jake grinned to herself as a car purred up out of the darkness, and a door swung open. Archer. It had to be. Jake ducked her head down to verify her assumption and saw that the interior of the otherwise plain black vehicle with tinted windows was a deep blood red leather. Archer was just as beautiful as Jake remembered her, her full lips promising exotic pleasures, her molten brown gaze consuming Jake where she stood. As Jake stared, Archer crooked a finger towards her.
    “C'mon kiddo.”
    Thoroughly smitten, Jake slid herself into the seat next to Archer. She pulled the door closed with a hefty 'thunk' and they swept off into the night.
    Archer's light brown gaze ran over Jake, and her full lips quirked into something that could have been a smile. “Cute outfit,” she noted.
    “Thanks, I just threw it on, you know,” Jake shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant.
    “Mhm, it suits you.” Archer's eyes undressed Jake.
    “So, where are we going?”
    “To a club of mine.”
    “You own a club?” Jake was impressed.
    Archer chuckled at the younger woman's naivety. “I do. I think you'll like this one.”
    “O for oarsome,” Jake concurred.
    The rest of the journey took place in silence. Jake tried to strike up conversation a few times, but Archer either replied entirely non comittaly or not at all. Eventually Jake lapsed into silence and fiddled with her fingers in her lap. She was mildly disappointed when they drew up outside what was nothing more than another grimy, graffiti covered wall which held an iron door.
    “Come on,” Archer spoke to her at last as she swept her athletic frame out of the car and Jake quickly followed, tugging at her skirt which had slid treacherously high up her thighs.
    Archer knocked on the door with ring covered knuckles and a slit swung open, then quickly shut when whoever was inside saw Archer. There was the sound of bolts being shot back, then the door swung open and Jake found herself confronted with the tallest man she'd ever seen. He had to be at least 6'5 and, judging by his broad dark suited shoulders he was easily three times broader than she was. He said nothing, but looked down at her with a remote disinterest.
    Archer was already beginning to descend the staircase that was all that the door opened onto, and Jake followed her quickly. The place was nothing but a basement, a large cavern, and as they descended, rhythmic bass could be heard, pulsing through the concrete and stone.
    Another door at the bottom of the stairs sealed the club off from the rest of the world and was manned by yet another burly bouncer. Archer made her way through that portal without so much as a word and Jake followed her into the club. Here the music swelled around her, not so loud as to drown out conversation, but deep and intense, disorienting. The place was lit by electric chandeliers and already quite full of revelers, some of whom, Jake realized, were dressed in even less than her. Plenty of the younger women were topless entirely as they swayed to the music in a rhythmic trance.
    Archer was received like a queen. The crowd parted for her with murmurs of respect and she nodded

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