Little Miss and the Law
her face pointing towards Archer, who was gazing at Jake with displeasure.
    “Better get over there, honey,” the woman advised.
    Jake took her advice. There was no way out with Archer watching, and it seemed that it would be a bad idea to annoy her.
    “I can see why Mackenzie was so worried about you, you're a bad little girl,” Archer purred when Jake returned to her side.
    In spite of herself, Jake squirmed at the words. They unleashed torrents of warmth inside her belly.
    “I'm not naughty,” she replied childishly.
    “Yes you are. You were not given permission to go to the bathroom. I think I am going to have to spank your naughty little bottom,” Archer said, her voice so low, so seductive that Jake could only manage a whimper in response.
    “Lay over momma's lap,” Archer purred again, and Jake blushed the the very roots of her hair.
    “I.. I'm not...” she protested, but it was already too late. Archer had her by the wrist and was easing her over her lap. To Jake's shame, she did it so that her pantyhose covered bottom was exposed to the room.
    “Raise your bottom, little girl,” Archer said.
    Jake whimpered, then had her bottom raised for her as Archer propped up her leg and gave Jake's bottom the soundest slap she'd ever felt in her entire life. A squeal of pain was quickly followed by a burst of tears as the humiliation and pain sunk in.
    “Naughty little girl disobeys her elders and betters, thinks she knows what is best. The world is a dangerous place for naughty little girls,” Archer said, slapping first Jake's right cheek, then her left cheek with sound strokes. This was a spanking intended to hurt, and it hurt plenty as Jake's wails and cries lifted over the music and every eye in the place turned to watch her as she threw a tantrum over Archer's lap.
    “Let me go, or I swear to fucking god I will kill you, I will fucking kill you!” She cursed with pure rage. Jake might have been a slight slip of a thing, but she was Aussie through and through and an Australian never backs down from a fight.
    A gasp erupted from the audience. Had the little upstart really threatened to kill Archer? For a moment, there was silence aside from Jake's sobbing, then Archer burst into laughter of genuine amusement.
    “You? Kill me? Little girl, really!” she laughed. Relieved, the crowd burst into laughter too, and cheered as Archer began to soundly spank Jake's bottom once more, now with even harder spanks, if that were at all possible.
    “How dare you threaten me, little girl? You are so very, very naughty!” Archer lectured as she turned Jake's cheeks a deep, dark red.
    Jake howled and writhed and cursed the whole way through the spanking, never before in her life had she been so chastised. When Archer was done with her, she simply laid over her lap, sobbing great tears.
    Archer allowed her to lay there, occasionally stroking and petting her warm bottom. The clubbers soon returned to their own actives and Jake was once again forgotten, just another well spanked submissive in a room of submissives needing good sound spankings.
    “Why did you do that?” she asked at length, asking the question with a trembling lower lip that made her look just like the little girl Archer called her.
    “Do you know who I am?” Archer answered Jake's question with her own.
    “Not really,” Jake shook her head.
    “Yet you agreed to meet me all alone and followed me down into a basement through two heavy doors. For all you knew there was a meat saw and a store of dismembered body parts down here. Kiddo, you've a lot to learn. That spanking was a fraction of what you deserve. Now dry your eyes and sit up, there's no point moping over something you'll be experiencing many more times before I'm done with you.”
    Archer took a swig of her drink and looked around the room as Jake scrambled up with a pout set firmly on her

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