Love Finds a Home (Love Comes Softly Series #8)
and carry on as though she'd never been away. A nice thought.
    The commotion subsided considerably with the children out of the kitchen. It seemed like such a long, long time since Belinda had sat at the familiar table, with familiar folks, talking over simple and familiar topics.
    She was brought up-to-date on each family member, told news of neighbors, updated on the affairs of the church, and reminded of things from the past. Belinda wished they could just chatter on and on, but Marty broke the spell.
    "My lands!" she gasped, staring at the clock. "Look at the time. Why, we'll never be havin' our supper iffen I don't get me busy."
    Kate jumped up and moved toward the kitchen door. "Clare'll soon be home, too," she reprimanded herself.
    "Why don't ya jest join us here?" Marty invited. "I have a roast in the oven--thet's the one thing I did git done on time. We'll make it stretch."
    "I've got a couple pies," Kate responded. "I can bring 'em over."
    Marty nodded. "I baked jest one today," she answered. "Yer two sure would help."
    "I'll fix a salad, too," said Kate on her way out.
    Marty nodded again, then called to Kate, "Do you s'pose you could send David over to Arnie's? They should be told. Tell Anne to bring what she has an' come to supper iffen she wishes--or else come over as soon as they can after supper for coffee."
    Belinda smiled, soon to be reunited with her family. At least all who lived nearby. Missie and Willie, Ellie and Lane and all their offspring were still far away in the West. Nandry and Clae and their children weren't close enough to join them, either. But the ones Belinda had grown up with, the family near home--she would soon see them all. It's so good to be home again! she breathed.
    Late that night when the last team left for home, Kate reluctantly lifted her shawl from the coatrack. "I guess we'd better get on home, too," she sighed. "The boys still have school in the mornin'."
    "Aw. Do we hafta?" protested Dack.
    "I'll be here when you come home again tomorrow," Belinda reminded him.
    "This is David's last year," Kate informed Belinda. "He's our scholar. Likes school much better'n the others ever have. Never have to coax David to get him up in the mornin's," she finished proudly.
    "What's he planning to do?" asked Belinda.
    "Hasn't decided, but he'd like to go on fer further schoolin'."
    "Good for him," Belinda nodded, pleased about David and happy for Kate.
    The last good-byes were said, and Belinda settled back at the table with Clark and Marty, still lingering over coffee cups.
    "I s'pose yer awful tired?" commented Marty, touching Belinda's cheek softly.
    "I am. It's the excitement, I guess. And I couldn't sleep well on the train at all. It rumbles and groans all night long. But, really, it was the thought of coming home that kept me from relaxing."
    Marty took Belinda's hand, squeezing it slightly as her eyes filled with tears. "Iffen I had knowed ya were comin'," she admitted, "I wouldn't have been doin' any sleepin', either."
    Clark chuckled. "An' thet's the truth," he agreed with a sage nod.
    Belinda decided that maybe her plan of coming home unannounced had turned out to be right, after all.
    "Arnie looks good," Belinda commented. "Looks even better than he did when I left."
    Marty nodded. "Finally got his problems worked out an' his bitterness taken care of," she acknowledged. "Bitterness can age one like nothin' else can."
    "It's a fact," nodded Clark. "'Most made an old man of 'im fer a time."
    "His Abe's arm looks good," continued Belinda. "Not nearly as twisted as it was. Why, folks wouldn't even notice it much anymore. One can almost forget he ever had that encounter with the bull."
    "Three surgeries it took." Marty shook her head, the difficult memory on her face. "Three surgeries to straighten it out
    again. But worth it--every one of 'em. Arnie can see thet now . . . but my . . . it was a struggle fer 'im to let the boy go under the surgeon's knife."
    "I'm so glad he

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