Loving Lena
down moment, his eyes settled on her nipples, which peaked in appreciation.
    “Understand this, I can't let any man get away with mistreating you.” His voice sounded ragged, as if torn from his gut. “After the lawsuit, I will deal with that bullshit.” Before she could answer, he tackled her down to the bed, pinning her arms above the waist.
    “He's an old man,” she protested as his firm lips latched onto her breasts.
    Her heart crowded her throat. His defense of her stole her breath and sent tingles down her spine. God, she missed being able to depend on someone. With Elijah, she’d been in charge of everything, from repairs to congregational squabbles. More than once, contrary members had threatened her. Many times, she'd been afraid to relay her husband's directions to the volunteers who wanted public acknowledgment for anything they did, including taking out the trash. Her husband never backed her, never chastised the members when they were rude and disrespectful to her. At first, being in a strange town, she'd been on her own and terrified. That’s when she and Anthony became close. He’d helped her navigate unfamiliar waters. Enough, stop thinking about them . The heat from his lips drove every thought other than him from her mind.
    “Don't matter,” he mumbled changing to the other breast.
    She writhed beneath him, caught up in the fiery heat he'd created. “I wanna move,” she moaned as she tried and failed to release her hands. Her fingers itched to touch him, to move him, to hold him.
    “Be a good girl and let me work this. I can't go hurt the bad guys. I need to release this tension.” She rolled her eyes before they closed in ecstasy. The man's lips and mouth were lethal. He nipped her neck before latching onto her nipples again.
    Releasing her hands he instructed, “Don’t move.” His lips and tongue journeyed south, tasting and teasing her flesh along the way.
    “It feels so good,” she moaned, her hips lifting into his caress. He held them up to his lips and feasted between her legs. She bucked forward, loving the sensation. Begging for more, she humped his mouth.
    “Ohmigod, ohmigod, Kuuuurt!” she screamed as her legs shook and waves of pleasure signaled her release. Slowly, he lay her hips flush on the bed, his tongue lapping the remnants of her explosion.
    “You taste so damn good. I'd like you for breakfast every morning.” He kissed her puffy lips, rose and kissed her mouth. She moaned at the mixture of flavors, herself and him. Tasty. Distantly, she heard the tearing of foil, moments later her hot core was stuffed full of ten inches of man. Widening her legs, she offered herself up to his mastery.
    Doubts about his sexuality tried to take root and derail her fun. Neither her body nor mind was having it. Every part of her decided to give Kurt a shot. If he could fuck her into a coma, like he was in the process of doing, and take on a man, then bring it on. She'd deal with that bridge later. Right now, she enjoyed the attention of a handsome, sexy man. That was all she could hope for. The next moment, all thoughts vanished as he stroked her hot spot and sent her mind on a separate assignment while her body exploded.

    “About seeing other men,” Kurt said peeking at her as they walked to Faye's front door, “I'm not real good with stuff like that.” He’d had a major change of heart earlier that day. The more he got to know her, the more he wanted to spend time alone with her. The thought that another man might sample her body or taste her sweet juices made his blood boil. No woman had ever tied him up in knots like this. Nervously, he waited for her response to his confession.
    “So you lied?” She bent her head so he couldn't see the slight grin on her face.
    “Not really. At that exact moment, I thought I might be able to be cool. But after tasting you and thinking someone else is getting a taste of your honey, I know I'd be kicking asses first and maybe asking

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