Making Choices (Black Shamrocks MC Book 2)
her as hard as I could. No woman has ever taken all of me without whining that it hurts, but the smallest woman I’ve ever met took every bit and asked for more.
    Fuck me—she looks like a little china doll and fucks like a porn star.
    Scrubbing my hand over my face, I force my eyes open.
    I’ve gotta stop dwelling on it—she’s made it clear it’s not going to happen again.
    I’m shocked as all hell when forest green eyes meet mine.
    “Doll. I mean, JJ. What the fuck?”
    Real fucking smooth.
    Flipping shiny, dark-red hair over her shoulder, JJ regards me. The purple bags under her expressive eyes make me think she hasn’t been sleeping any better than I have. Her full bottom lip’s swollen from the way she’s biting it, and she’s fidgeting with the pen in her hand.
    Pulling herself up to her full height, she answers me after a pause. “I just wanted to say sorry for what I said the other night. I’ve felt bad ever since. I should’ve been upfront about the one-night thing.”
    Her words tumble from her mouth as though they’re in a race to be heard.
    “It’s not that you’re not good enough for me. It’s just that I have my career to think about, and we’re two different people with very different lives. Do you understand what I’m trying to say? Damn, I don’t know if I understand what I’m saying. All I know is I can’t sleep anymore, and I want to fuck you again so badly. My whole body’s aching for you.”
    Fucking hell, the woman talks a lot.
    When she opens her mouth to speak again, I place my hand over it to quiet her.
    “Doll, I’m hearing ya, but I think it’s bullshit. You and me, we’ve got something. We got chemistry that you can’t hide from, and the way we fit together is fucking perfect. You know it. I know it. Only problem here is I’m willing to give us a go, and you’ve already decided it won’t work.”
    Her mouth moves behind my hand, so I take it away to let her speak.
    “I’m adopted.” Her eyes fill with tears that she blinks away. One escapes, rolling down her porcelain skin. Without thinking, I lean over and kiss it away. “My parents thought they couldn’t have children, so they adopted me when I was three years old. Honestly, it’s not even a real adoption. They bought me off of some junkie my father was treating at the time. Six years later, my mother fell pregnant with twins. It was a complete surprise, but I remember being so happy to have two little sisters.”
    “That’s a fucked-up way to start your life, but at least it worked out for the best.”
    Her childhood doesn’t sound ideal, but at least she ended up with a good family.
    Thinking about my own childhood, I laugh when I think about my little brother. It dies off when the tragedy that led to him being born stabs me in the heart. “I know what it’s like to get a surprise sibling. I had an older brother who was killed when he was hit by a car when he was nine. My poor fucking parents thought I was it for them until Mama ended up falling pregnant when I was seventeen. Shocked the fuck out of all of us. My little bro’s almost fourteen now, and a pain in my ass most days. He’s a pretty good kid, though.”
    JJ winces when I mention my dead brother before laughing half-heartedly when I describe my little brother’s unexpected arrival.
    I’m starting to get the impression her family story isn’t quite as happy.
    “My mother was a GP before I came along and my daddy is the Chief of Medicine at this hospital.” She waves her hand around. “When they finally had their own children, they started treating me differently. I was nearly ten, and I can remember feeling the change in them. Nothing I ever did was as good as my sisters , and they never seemed to be happy with anything about me. The only times they’ve been a tiny bit happy with me since then, was when I made it into med school, and then when I decided I was going to be a surgeon like Daddy.”
    “Fuck. I thought my family was bad

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