Making Choices (Black Shamrocks MC Book 2)
sometimes. My old man’s not always the easiest to get along with, but my mama’s fucking awesome even though she’s bloody strict. At times, I’ve tied myself in knots trying to please them but—”
    JJ cuts me off. “So you understand why I can’t see where this might go with you? Even though I’d love to.”
    “No. I don’t. I was gonna say that I realized it’s impossible to please them all the time. That I’m in charge of my own life, just like you are. How old are you, JJ?” I can see where she’s going with this, and I’m not letting her go there without a fight.
    “So why the fuck does your daddy get a say in who you see?”
    Her face turns red, her lips press into a thin line, and she balls her fists at her sides. Standing on her tiptoes, she leans over me as I sit, ready to unleash her rage at my unsubtle jab about her father.
    It appears JJ has a temper to match her glorious red hair.
    This could be fun. I love feisty, straight-talking women.
    Ruby-red lips part, and I can tell she is about to rip into me when the door to Joel’s room swings open, interrupting her. I reach my hand inside my cut on pure instinct, wrapping my hand around the butt of my handgun. I let it go quickly when I grasp that it’s Maddi, and she’s close to tears.
    “Oh, Timber. I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” she exclaims as she rushes past JJ and into my arms. I open them automatically, and the beautiful woman I love with all of my heart—the woman I’m in love with but will never have—collapses onto my lap.
    I hold her to me, noting her shaking body and quivering bottom lip.
    “Princess, what’s wrong?” I question her. Madelaine, or Maddi as she’s known to almost everyone, is Beast’s only daughter and Joel’s big sister. She’s a tough, gracious woman who’s survived some serious shit over the years. Shit that’s just decided to rear its ugly head again.
    Raising her head, she brushes her long blonde hair out of her face, looking at JJ and then at me inquiringly. She doesn’t answer my question.
    My girl wants to talk privately by the looks of it.
    “Princess, this is JJ. She was Joel’s surgeon, remember? JJ, this is Maddi, Joel’s big sister.” I perform the necessary introductions, my argument with JJ forgotten now that Maddi needs me.
    “Hi, JJ. Nice to meet you. Timber says you’ve been taking excellent care of Joel for us. I know you’ve been keeping Timber here company as well while he keeps my brother safe. Thank you so much.” Maddi pushes aside her upset to thank JJ and to get to know her for my sake.
    It’s typical of her to put her own needs after everyone else’s.
    I squeeze her waist in thanks.
    After Mad Dog and Benji’s punch-up yesterday, I’d told her what happened between JJ and me, and she’d encouraged me to chase her if I liked her. 
    JJ, on the other hand, looks like she swallowed a mouthful of lemon juice. She sniffs at Maddi. “It’s nothing. Just doing my job.”
    Dismissing Maddi, she turns her pissed-off eyes to me. “I’ll leave you two alone. I have rounds to complete. Have a great day, Lucas .”
    Without so much as another glance my way, JJ leaves the room, shutting the door with a bang behind her.
    “She likes you, and she’s jealous. She thinks we’re together, you big lug. You need to set her straight,” Maddi tells me off once the echoing from the slamming door subsides.
    Slapping my chest, she leans back into my arms, falling silent.
    I don’t answer her straightaway, instead spending a minute or so drinking in the sight of her in my arms, and enjoying the feel of her body against mine. 
    Her hair is golden blonde. It falls to her curvy ass, setting off electric blue eyes and a face that could make an angel cry. She’s tall, with a luscious rack that’s balanced out perfectly by hips you could hold tight as you slammed yourself balls deep into her, and long tanned legs.
    I’ve wanted her since she was sixteen,

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