can to stay safe, but I am not going to just sit here and do as I’m told. Not anymore. I’ll come up with some kind of plan. I’m going to help.”
    Addie still looked scared, but she squeezed my hand tighter and then exchanged a look with Finn and Mia, who nodded. Finally, she turned back to me and said, “Then whatever you decide to do, we’re in, too.”
    Before I could utter my first word of argument, she cut me off. “Don’t even start. If there’s anything the last year has taught us, it’s that our odds are infinitely better when all four of us work together. Don’t try to stop us.”
    The breath I’d been planning to argue with sputtered out of me, and I laughed. “All right then.”
    Addie grinned, but the look on Finn’s face was anything but pleased.
    â€œI was just thinking … ” Finn shuddered and then gave me a pointed look that told me that whatever he was about to say, he really didn’t want to be saying. “Jack might not be willing to talk to us about the Takers and everything yet, but he isn’t the only one we know with answers anymore.”
    I realized what he was saying instantly and understood his reluctance. I’m pretty sure no one would look forward to working with the person who’d taken over their body for several days. “Chloe.”
    Addie and Mia both looked hesitant, so I tried to convince them. “I know … but she really is the only option we haven’t tried yet. Isn’t it worth at least asking her?”
    Finn stared down at his feet, but the girls reluctantly nodded.
    â€œGreat. Anyone have any way to get ahold of her?”
    Addie and Mia both frowned, but Finn closed his eyes and groaned. “I think I remember it … ”
    He grabbed my phone and punched in a contact entry and number under the name “Body Snatcher” before stalking away and muttering, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
    Right after I sent a quick text to Chloe, my phone chimed with an incoming text. I hoped it was from Chloe or Jack, but Mom’s smiling picture popped up instead.
    The message was short, sweet, and gave me an entirely new distraction to focus on.
    We need to have a talk about Jack. I’m heading home for a bit. If you aren’t home, meet me there.

    Chloe tensed when I pressed the button and the puzzle box hissed. Something inside had diffused, and the sound was followed by the click of a latch being released. The front corner of the box rose slightly, and then all was silent.
    I waited a full minute for some sort of secondary trigger to engage, but I heard nothing. Moving my body low against the bottom of the pit, I peeked into the small gap below the corner of the lid, releasing each breath from my chest as slowly as possible to be sure not to disturb anything.
    I stayed there for several minutes, shifting my position by mere inches, just as Dad had taught me. Patience and diligence kept us safe. That was how we stayed alive.
    Be careful.
    Be in control.
    The third time I heard Chloe sigh behind me was also the first time I saw the shimmer—the slightest shining bit—in the empty air near the edge of the box. Chloe got to her feet behind me but I barely noticed, my attention drawn to one square inch of apparent void.
    â€œCome on, Jack,” Chloe grumbled behind me. “It’s a box. You chose the right button and it unlocked. Pick the damn thing up already.”
    â€œShhh … ” I said, watching the almost-invisible wire intently, trying to figure out where it attached so I could disconnect it.
    Chloe abruptly reached over my shoulder for the lid of the box, and the tips of her fingers passed straight into the tripwire before I could stop her. It looked like she felt the resistance from the tripwire just before I grabbed her wrist. Her lips formed the smallest expression of shock. A split second of regret

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