Markers (Joshua Stokes Mysteries Book 3)

Markers (Joshua Stokes Mysteries Book 3) by Lila Beckham

Book: Markers (Joshua Stokes Mysteries Book 3) by Lila Beckham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lila Beckham
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“You know you can park your boots under my bed any night you want. You are sweet, you’re sexy as all get out, and you aren’t stuck on yourself. You being older is just icing on the cake.”
    “It’s icing alright;” Joshua joked, removing his hat. “A couple more years and my roof will be covered in snow.”
    She leaned in a little closer and said, “Me and Joy, we’ve already talked about it several times... we wondered what it would be like doing with you. I bet Joy a hundred bucks that you could make her squeal out-loud. I bet you could do it too, you’ve probably got tons of experience satisfying women in bed.” Her tone remained serious as she continued. “Lots of men don’t care one way or the other if the woman is satisfied. I don’t like to be left hanging to finish the job myself and I am sure most women feel the same…” Joshua wondered what someone her age would know about being left hanging. “I bet you don’t leave women hanging, do ya Sheriff?” It was more of a statement than a question and really did not require an answer. Joshua could not help but blush at the girl’s forward nature. She was usually quiet and not talkative at all.
    “Well ain’t you cute, blushing and all that,” she grinned, poking his shoulder with her pencil. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you, Sheriff. I figured you’d be alright with me flirting with you.”
    “I don’t mind flirting,” Joshua replied. “You’re young. You need to be concentrating on boys your own age; and you and Joy, y’all need to stay out of beer joints; they’re dangerous places even for grown women.”
    “Boys my age ain’t worth a doggone flip, Sheriff. Like the one that just walked out of here. He’ll probably swear up and down that I flirted with him and tried to get him to go out with me, when you and me both know he would have dropped that girl like a hot potato, if I had paid him five cents worth of attention when he wanted me to. I don’t like that. Boys that age, they don’t know what the hell they want, Sheriff. All they want is anything that has a split between their legs.”
    “Yeah, you’re right about that, but don’t try growing up too fast; you’re gonna miss out on a lot of things you’ll regret later in life.”
    “Thanks for the advice,” she said wryly. “I’ll consider it but I’m not likely to follow it. It’s too much fun dancing at the juke joints… I am not naïve, Sheriff; I had to grow up fast so I could dodge the unwanted advances of lecherous old men. Most of ‘em my kinfolk or married to my kinfolk,” she chuckled. Joshua immediately remembered what Hook had told him about catching Leonard with Addie Mae’s daughter up against the wall feeling of her young breasts. This girl was Addie Mae’s daughter. He knew that, but it just had not clicked in his mind until that moment.
    “I’m sorry you’ve had to endure such as that. Not all men are like that.”
    “Aw, I know that, Sheriff. But in the sixteen years I’ve been on this earth, I have encountered quite a few of the ones who are. Sixteen years may not seem like a long time to you, but it seems a lot longer when you are on this side of the equation. I feel as if I have been in this world for many more years than I actually have.”
    Joshua did not know what else to say. The air around him had grown heavy. He thought he would try to lighten the mood a little. “Ask me again in a couple of years,” he grinned. “Then maybe we can discuss that threesome again.”
    She grinned and winked at him. “You’re alright, Sheriff. I will certainly keep that in mind, and you can bet I won’t forget about it either.”
    “I bet you won’t” Joshua grinned. “You’d make a hell of a poker player,” he said as he picked up his burger and sunk his teeth into it. By now, it was only lukewarm.
    The Cox girl went back to clearing tables and serving patrons; Joshua finished eating his hamburger and fries. He dropped a two-dollar bill on

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