accordion while he was still in it.
He zoomed past a holographic projection of his wanted poster and frowned when he noticed that it was a bad shot of him. They could have at least taken his good side. He snorted when he realized that he was low on fuel and searched his surroundings for a means of escape.
Crenshaw was still fast on his heels. Tyler was thrown forward, when his stupid hover car let out a loud belch. If Crenshaw didn’t shoot him out of the sky, this bucket of bolts was about to have a massive coronary. Another volley of laser shots struck his ‘ borrowed’ car. His mind raced. He was a clever thief. He had even self-proclaimed himself to be the King of Thieves in this galaxy but he’d never been faced with this type of situation before. He was out of his element. Being charged with murder on a hostile planet had definitely never been in his plans when he had set out to seduce and pilfer from the enchanting Lady Devlin.
He lurched forward again. “Crenshaw, you fat bastard, I’ve had enough of you jerking me around!” Taking his one hand, he flipped on the car’s computerized system. A frail female voice blared out at him.
“What may I do to serve you, Master?” it asked.
He quirked his eyebrow, evidently the owner of the car had a superiority complex.
Bloody fantastic. He hated those kinds of men. The sort that was weak, sniveling and usually cruising for a bruising. A quest for dominance didn’t make you a strong man. Unfortunately, he’d run into his fair share of that sorry sort. He needed a miracle to get through this alive, and right now, it didn’t seem as if any were coming his way.
“Call up your weapons,” Tyler clipped out. He sent the hover car into a dive. Narrowly missing a cluster of shots that would have most certainly disabled him. “Oh, Samantha, I wish you were here,” he said aloud, somehow hoping if he voiced his wish, she’d magically appear out of thin air. She really had a knack of getting out of these situations. It was almost as if she had a leprechaun as her constant companion. Memories of her filled his every waking moment, and haunted his dreams.
“I do not understand, Master. I am a class C vehicle. I am not equipped with such RECKLESS BOUNTY Marly Mathews 26
machinery,” The sickly female voice said. A loud screeching noise filled the car. Not only had he ‘ borrowed ’ a car low on fuel but to make matters worse it didn’t have any weapons.
“Just great. Not the answer I was hoping for, Car. What kind of a hover car company makes their vehicles without being outfitted with any defensive systems?” It simply didn’t make sense. Everyone knew that the only truly safe planet in the Milky Way was his home world of Earth .
“I was created by the Antigone Corporation. They are advocates against air rage. They have a motto, if you have no defenses no one will attack you.”
“Some bloody motto. I’d like to get my hands on the guy that thought that up. I am being attacked right now and if I don’t do something about it, my ass is grass and that hover vehicle behind me is the fucking lawnmower!”
Crenshaw fired another volley of shots at him.
“Sir, I will have to land soon, or else, we will crash.” The sickly female voice made him roll his eyes.
“Son of a bitch!” He pounded his hand on the steering wheel.
It had been a day from hell and now incomprehensibly it was bloody well getting worse!
He had nowhere to go. Wherever he ran he’d be tracked down. He should’ve just stayed put and faced the gallows. He probably would have been better off. Then he saw a sight that nearly took his breath away.
If he could just manage to reach the transport ship he might be able to talk his way into getting aboard. In fact, he knew he’d be able to talk his way aboard. He did have a silver tongue. And if all else failed, he could drop his family name into the negotiation. A mere slip of his family’s name did wonders for gaining
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